That's why he has Distortion Strike. If all he casts is Assault Strobe and Distortion Strike on his Kiln Fiend, he swings for 1 (Kiln Fiend) +1 (Distortion Strike) +3 (Kiln Fiend's ability) x2 (Assault Strobe) +[3x2] (Kiln Fiend's ability) = 16That is 16 damage turn 3. To me, this seems like an extremely inexpensive deck that can be very, very good.
I just realized Nighthawk isn't in there! That's my replacement for those big guys.
Thanks! And yes i've encountered this problem before, but i just don't know what would be best... I was thinking maybe Pawn of Ulamog, or maybe taking a look at some of the newer Innistrad vamps. I'm not too familiar with magic, because i played a lot when i was younger, like when i was 10-ish lol, and this was one of the decks i played quite a bit, outside of my Naya Allies deck. I'm only 14, almost 15 now and i've still got much to learn, thanks again for the feedback! I'll be sure to take a look at your version of the vamps too, and i'll be adding a play guide too.
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