I like it. Maybe add some Lion's Eye Diamonds instead of Gaea's Blessing.
When I play you, use this deck. I maight be signing my death warrant. But my elves may prove a tad too fast for this...
It's just like I rember it, in all it's nightmare inducing glory. Combat tricks are the absoluse heart and soul of this deck. I'd have to take off my shoes to count the number of times youve fried one of my attacking creatures with a fire at will or the like. AHHHH!!! My creatures! Not again!!! And again and again and again. Me likey bunney + Kirby dance.
The problem w/ midnight banshee is that it would kill all of my tokens in addition to putting counters on everything. oops.
It probably wouldn be bad to add some just pure, terror-esque removal. a lot of what you have for removal now is at sorcery speed, and you might need something a little faster and more potent.
I agree with everyone else: You ought to put in a full set of forcemages. you can take out you garruks for this. But i might just be saying that because you've killed me with it many times. (that and land destruction) Please comment my deck: vernal beatdown.
Please Comment.
You need way more land. 21 is not evan close to being enough with the cards you're playing. I'll eat you alive every time I play you. Not that I have a problem with that. The rest of the deck looks good.
ummmm........ o.k. Im both flatterd and mildly terrified.
The infinate mana combo could be use to drop a very nasty x-spell, like, i dont know, Blaze. Or maby Wurmcalling. Just throwing things out here.
nice deck. if you added more basic lands, you could add in impereasour (not spelled that way) also, centaur omenreader is good. please comment the next deck i make( But not 7 times thank you very much)
I will asume that you just forgot to add in the rest of the land when you made the deck, and that you are not complietly insane. that aside, if you are eventually shift to black, most of the really good lorwyn elves (nath, eyeblights ending) will be open to you. Please comment my Magus of the Blazing Wurm deck.
If you had more creatures, you could maby add in a vamperic link. Please comment on my Magus of the Flaming Wurm deck.
This deck is a lot better than the other one, but once again, if knight of the holy nimbus and outrider en kor are so good, why do you stubernly refuse to add four? Please comment on my Magus of the Blazing Wurm deck.
By the way, please comment my Magus of the Blazing Wurm deck.
So i geuess youve jumped on the white wenie bandwagon too. Toss in lox hammer, because if your opponent not blocking, that lifelink will be very nice.
THanks for your sugestions everyone! Keep 'em coming!!
add in plageurze, and when they discard there hand, you draw that many cards. please comment my hi your dead deck.
If your going to win with niv, have four of him. Also, ni has an auto win combo if you equip him with curiosity.
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