If you plan to use primal forcemage to win, you really should have 4.(once again, duh) that and the mana looks like it might get a little iffy.
Next time i play you, Ahh it buns is going to eat you alive. Well anyway, if you put in 4's of the cards that could fetch your other rebels, you could have 1's of some of your main beaters.
If Outrider and knights are so amazing, put in 4 each. (duh)
If i ever had to play against this deck, it would drive me INSANE!! Add 2 more dreads. Please comment on my Ahh it burns deck.
I would add something, but your deck is amazing as is. i cant think of how you could make it better. Please comment on my Ahh it burns deck.
Nice deck. Niv-Mizzet + Curiosity = YOU WIN.. Please comment my Ahh it burns deck.
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