I don't think that aside from Schemeing there is much that can be added. There is no tutoring effect in standard that works that well. If you were addibg scheming DigThrough Time is just a better version and can find two combo pieces. Just works better
So this deck has been tested by a couple of my friends, it is very hard to pull all the pieces together in one turn and have it be uninterrupted. It can happen, you generally win the game, but it is very hard to pull together. Your opponent should be able to interact by killing a guy or countering one of your spells.It is a cool combo, but it is very janky and breaks the rule of combo: Play as few moving parts as possible. This needs 4 different cards to get there and unlike modern/legacy there is very little efficient card draw in standard.
She costs 3 Mana, doesn't have hexproof and gives basically no upside in a deck that wants auras in play. The U,bras all give some upside and with an Etheral Armor gibes a serious boost plus they make daybreak coronet's drawback a useless line of text.
It would probably beat your 4 colour deck. I took a look.
Thanks. A good name is the most important part of a deck.
It seems to work. There are some little problems. But i'll have to take a proper look at it to fix them. I'll have a workable first edit by friday,
In regards to sideboarding, instead of giving you cards to play. I'm gonna list the decks you have to beat.Esper Control, Jund Monsters, B/G or Mono Black devotion, Mono Blue Devotion, U/W/R Control, Boss Sligh, R/W Midrange, Boros Burn, Jund Midrange, Naya Midrange, G/R Monsters. If you can find which ones you have a positive matchup against pre board, then you can spec your sideboard to be good against the ones that you aren't good against.But the deck seems solid, congrats.
Domri would be better in the Jund aggro list this deck doesn't really play enough creatures for him. If you want a planeswalker, consider Xenegos as he is pretty damn good in this list.
Hey man,I'll take a look at yours soon hopefully, i'm working on the update for Born Of The Gods and doing some testing for this, but once I am done I'll have a look.
Seems pretty legit. WHhat do the common matchup feel like?
Thanks, was at work and mothership is blocked
First, consider Dragonskull Summit over the temples, they will genreally enter untapped and ar multi lands. You can also consider the Scars land Blackckleave Cliffs. If you were able to get Demigods int he graveyyard you don't care about counter magic. So consider Faitless Looting, it says draw cards on and lets you get some sweet 2-3 demigod action going on. COnsider the Hybrid cards only count for 2 devotion for red, or two devotion to black for Mogis. Hybrid only counts are 1 mana symbol for a god like mogis.
Whilst I love the idea, modern is a format with lots of high powered instants that people are playing. If you want them to draw cards, may i reccomend playing underworlds dreams or something similar that dmaages people for drawing cards. and if they are drawing all these cards they wille nd up discarding quite alot of them, so try something like Megrim or Lilliana's Caress to make them pay for it.
Try the tribal tapped land instead of the darkslick shores, will probably always come in untapped unlike shores.
The god and planeswalker do not 'legend rule' each other. the only way it happens if if both share the exact same card name, or both have the same planeswalker subtype, i.e: Planeswalker - Xenegos. You can have both in play.
As previously answered higher up, this deck One for Ones itself quite alot. Anger allows you to have an answer to a weenie deck like White Weenie and Mono Red. Xenagos isn't amazing in the deck. I tried him and a Mainboard card and then a Sideboard card and he wasn't amazing in either. Chandra is something I have been testing but I needed some in real life. The Guildgates, as Gothy says are Scrylands, without Scry. They work in a deck that needs the mana base. I could add some basic lands instead but then my mana consistency is gone and that means that I lost the ability to play certain cards. Temples are good, but gates are just as good in pretty much all respects.
Thank you very much. The deck is pretty damn fun to play.
Thanks man. Let me know how you do with it.
After some testing online I have added the third Stormbreath Dragon, it is just such a lovely creature. Plus i managed to find a foil one for the deck. -1 Kalonian Hydra +1 Stormbreath Dragon
Kalonian Hydra, previoudly, was a Sire Of Insanity. I've been trying out alternate 5 drops as a way to change the deck as it is in one of my flex slots. A third Stormbreath is pretty good, but I do try to have a slightly diverse range of threats. Making my 5 drop slot Vraska, Stormbreath and Hydra means that my opponant is never quite sure what i'm going to try and resolve. I have tried to find some other creatues, but at the moment the Hydra is working, but I'm already going to try the 3rd Dragon this friday adn the one after.
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