Hello, First things first BOROS!!!! Right, that done, let us move to the deck. Your deck seems kind of all over the place, your an aggro deck not a midranged deck. Drop Aurelia, Guardian and Rubblebelt. and replace them with lower down the curve creatures that apply pressure and make your opponents react to you early. If you want a starting pointlook at one of the decks I have posted called Don't Touch my Weenie, it's a Mono White deck but you could amke it a red white fairly easily.
When playing against decks where Thoughtseize and Slaughter Games are good, you are generally looks at decks like Esper Control and Blue-White Control. In fact, both of these decks have some number of Thoughtseize and Slaughter Games brought in depending on what I saw Game 1 and what they might bring in. I will generally be taking out cards like Anger Of The Gods and maybe a Dreadbore and probably the Scavenging Ooze's to bring in some Mixture of Thoughtseize/Slaughter Games/Deadbridge Chant/Golgari Chant as the answer it gives you are dependant on what they have played. Putrefy can also come out against the Esper and Blue-White Control match up as it generally does very little in those games.It does change depending on what you are playing against. Against Mono-Black I will bring in the Slaughter Games to be able to shut down Grey Merchant, and will probably remove things like Kalonian Hydra as it dies in their turn to easily.Hope that helps.
i'll have a look.
It's true, but the white means that you have a much higher variance than without
Anger Of The Gods is one of the few ways a deck like this, with no access to cards like Thragtusk and Hunstmaster to be able to survive against the White Weenie and Mono-Red style decks. I know it kills Caryatid and Ooze sometimes, but it is a trade off that is needed to allow me to play a better game against those decks.Again, Mistcutter Hydra whilst good, and it had been tested in this deck isn't as good as stopping Mono-Blue as killing their creatures on turn 1-3 to stop Master of Waves being a game ending threat like they want. You also have removal to be able to hold off their devotion for Thassa. Deathrite isn't really that good with 7 taplands and these shocks. He is so unlikely to be played on Turn 1, and generally won't give me much advantage in the early game. If we had fetches, then i would be playing him, but he isn't that good in standard.Mortars is good, and I'm playing two, but a 6 Mana conditional boardwipe, at that time anyway, it worse than a 3mana kill the whole board right this second Turn 3 and slowly gain control.Jund is very good by being the best midrange deck, you don't lose to aggro and have a very good control matchup.
Hello,First off the idea for this is very nice. But i feel like you can probably drop the white. You are an aggro deck through and through and could probably reduce the amount of variance that 3 color aggro deck will ave without the manabase of last year. I would highly recommend trying to play straight Gruul as you can get a lot of power out of it. And whilst Bloodrush is a very good mechanic, if they kill the guy in response then you have used all of your resources to get nowhere fast. You could try a Gruul hexproof deck, but I actually put together a Gruul deck that is pretty quick. Link: http://www.mtgvault.com/thephailhaus/decks/a-gruul-and-unusual-punishment/It's pretty good it could do with some tuning, but if you were looking for a place to start I would saying something aloing those lines is probably good. If not, then try dropping some of the lower guys, and adding something like Gladecover Scout and Witchstalker to allow your guys to not be killed by a targeted spell when you are bloodrushing.ThePhailhaus
I feel this allows several different options to any Grixis build. The Grixis combonation of colors seems to be kind of narrow in a couple of places.
Thanks, it's always nice to hear that after building when Theros was only 2 weeks old.
Thank you very much.
Green gives you Caryatid, Decay, Vraska, Putrefy, Reaper, Ooze and sideboard options. If i were playing Grixis the deck would be very different.
sure, i'll come and have a look
Thank you, the deck's name always comes last. Also it gives you a premade victory dance.
All decks should have good names, and this is one of my favourites.
Thank you all for the comments, I'll endevour to answer them all in order. Gods are not that much of a worry, Slaughter Game can take them out, as can thoughtseize but msot of them being on the field is not that game ending. Thassa for example, generlaly i have found she does generally not have devotion for enough time to kill me. I can kill all of their Creatures, Planeswalkers and Bidents land something like a Desecration Demon which they have no real answer to. I know killing all their creatures seems unlikely to happen, but it does. And it happens alot. Magma Jet is worse than Anger of the Gods in nearly every scenario, the deck trades 1for1 alot, and having a card 2for1 or better really helps to make up for this lack of card advantage. The scry is nice, bvut Anger enables you to get ahead as very few of your creatures die, but generally most of theirs do. Miscutter Hydra was in the sideboard but the Mono-Blue and Blue Control matchups where good enough already I was able to make my sideboard better in more matchups by dropping them. Pithing Needle is a solid card, but Planeswalker's aren't really a problem right now. Hero's Downfall and Dreadbore allow a one shot answer to them, Vraska also gives a repeatable answer to everything but land. Pithing Needle also allows them to find an answer down the line, whereas if you kill it with a spell or Vraska you are developing the board with a must answer threat that can just kill something and then end the game. Thank you for the response so far, and please do keep it coming. If any of you play this or something similar please do let me know as that is one of the reason I post these.
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