I don't get it, how does this work?
This is really clever. I love it.
Trollolol. Nice deck, I don't think you can put multicolored creatures in though if commander is mono green.
Maybe Venser's Journal?
I think concentrate is better than vivisection. Also, i agree with P34nut don't mix mill with damage, also overbeing of myth is a good play. Perhaps some myr to balance out the odd mana curve.
I'm pretty sure tezzy is actually fighting for mirran.
Goblin guide instead of bloodcrazed gobbo?
Good deck. Entomb is banned in legacy though. = (
I feel like 1 collossus is usually enough to win the game. Any more is really just overkill.
Standard sideboards need to be exactly 15 cards. Besides that this is a solid deck.
Archmage ascension is really not that good.
Because master of etherium is alot better. Even with affinity 8UU isn't easy to pull off.
Ashnod's coupon makes an awesome combo with cheatyface.
eh i tired howling mine for a little while, but i feel like the deck is smoother without it.
Thanks to all who liked and commented (even if only for the name). First front page deck. WOOT!
meh... not that thirsty.
don't really need mana that much.
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