Ok, I dumbed down the cephalid breakfast, now you just dread return kiki-jiki and pestermite instead of all that vish kal nonsense.
Lol this deck is almost exactly the same as my ulamog edh
Equip Shuko to Illusionist to mill your deck as much as you want to. Mill till you hit the narcos which come into play. (Note when you hit ulamog, your library goes into your deck) Get Vish Kal into play by using dread returns flashback cost and saccing the narcos which comes into play with Dragon breath. Then keep milling till you hit ulamog reshuffling the graveyard. Then mill again to bring the narcos back into play. Sac them To Vish Kal for 3 +1/+1 counters. You can do this infinite times. Then remove all the counters to give one of your opponents creature -infinite/-infinite. Do that to all of their creatures until vish kal is the only thing on the field. Then pump it to infinite power. Since it has dragon's breath it can attack the turn it into play. Swing for infinite damage gain infinite life. I think it's called the cephalid breakfast combo because cephalid illusionist eats your deck for breakfast. This is a lot different from the original breakfast combo which is alot simpler.
i get it, you still need to pay 1 per thopter tho.
I'm not trying to be aggressive. I Know how to play the deck. I don't want to start a trollfight. The fact that it's difficult to play doesn't necessarily mean it's the best there is.
I meant it only works in vintage, and I totally understand how TES works, and it's very inconsistent.
Your pun hurts my soul.
This a nice storm deck, but tes usually only works in legacy, this flops a lot. Painter grind seems a lot more reliable for tournaments.
Oh cool thanks, I used a similar combo in my cephalid breakfast.
This deck is horrible so I'm not gonna give you any pointers. My deck could beat this any day.
Me too. I love the new phy-mana, that was a great idea.
Thanks, I'll do that.
Nice. first draw, i got a turm 2 win.
Display of my dark power is cool and so is pools of becoming
herp da derp
thats not budget.
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