lots of stuff kills indestructible exile them and all that i would get the infect lands and the old mirrodin lands that turn into artifact creatures then you wouldnt need the chalice at all
true xD this was to a response for a deck challenge so i dont actually use this but i would definitly use the monument if i used this deck it would just be too good not to xD i do have an actual elf deck though which i actually play lol
:\ i don't know i like mine more granted you have more creatures and a little quicker too but benalish commander and preeminent captain with a militia's pride on the field can smack people up good i like the chrome mox though thats nasty first turn ballyrush banneret anyone?
the fact that there are only two artifacts doesnt bug you at all? i mean he has search but >> eh
the only reason there is a one of regal force and heritage druid is because i only have one of each so far. and they only need to last one or two turns if it works right but i did use it before its in my sideboard against burn decks but nice suggestions and the single eldrazi are just because having too many big guys will slow it down so i think 1/6 of the deck is a nice balance
o.o actually did not notice the fact that there were only three creatures in it o.o seems so obvious now though
lol i wouldnt call 6 artifacts a good amount lol
its like a 4 cost 4/4 flier with some ability close to megrim i was thinking about it i think four might be a little high for your deck although it is a pretty big guy for 4 for a vampire deck id test him out at least he might be good i think hed be better in your control type deck though cuz hes beafier and more late game like mini baneslayer but a vampire lol
id hope not lol although i also do hope >> wait im confusing myself so nevermind xD hey theres a new vampire in the new set did you get a good look at it?
:/ seems like pyromancers ascension doesnt work too good you dont have that many spells you could trade out like skinrender with either terminates bituminous blast or just some more burn to utilize it also i would switch the child of the night out with something too either more blood seekers or again more burn
>> well decks should be 60 cards and 4 goblin chieftains would be best there is at least one at the game store and i know there are a couple dragon fodders there too
alright xD now i will comment you need four goblin chieftains >> umm a couple good cards are dragon fodder and you could add a voracious dragon too which is pretty cool i dont know anything else on the top of my head xD
now do the same thing with all of your creatures and spells xD
xD jonny i will comment again after you fix this the way i told you to xD
a landwalk deck without lord of atlantis? >> silly dedwards plus if your going landwalk id throw in that one leviathan from m11 its landwalking island sanctuary goodness xD
i see how it is now your steeling my saying >:D like what i did there "steeling" instead of stealing >:D pun!! oh and im thinking about using signal pest in this deck it seems like it might do pretty good especially since it can buff the others when they arent tempered steeled to do damage like onrnithopter would deal damage with a signal pest out and the signal pest can only be blocked by fliers and reach so its more then likely going to stay on the field especially once tempered steel and the master get out but i dont know what id switch with it :/ maybe the homonculus?
another card i like is inquisition of kozileck it doesnt get rid of day of judgents or any big wipe spells but it can get rid of any sort of three cost or less cards lightning bolt pretty much any sort of creature destruction available plus it can get rid of stuff like squadron hawk or any sort of thing like that that can get annoying quickly the inquisition is definitly better then duress against creature decks but against control decks i would keep the duresses
>> well i suppose your are cheaper but :P i still say mine would win js http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=98991 not gonna lie mine are bigger but they arent slow either id like to see a match between the two
for control? >> blood throne vampires would be helpful combined with the gatekeeper of malikir whenever they put out a creature just toss out a little vampire eat it with the bloodthrone and the gatekeeper will eat there creature. and then swiing and kill xD pretty much kill everything small with the urge to feeds and doom blade and use the malikir when you can to make em sacrifice there big guys, plus when you sacrifice a vamp to bloodthrone you can trigger the highborn >:D ha win!
still earlier then everyone else! :P so i still win
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