granted its not an actual deck lol i was just testing how mtg vault counted the number a certain card is used in all our decks
i like the part that the deck is labeled creatureless lol
yeah i know lol i saw your deck and i was like o.o no concussive bolt? whats going on here xD
i dont think it worked it must only add the one for there being a deck with at least one lightning bolt =/
the one thing ive seen that will kill you is the turn you tap out for the ambush commander pyroclasm wipes out all your land. so yeah not gonna work too awesome even if you do have plenty more lands your still set back really far
=/ if your having any trouble with blue control decks id suggest using guttural response its a nice card although with open the vaults its not necessary but you only have one of them main deck so for sideboard maybe -1 condemn -1 tumble magnet +2 guttural response maybe? and have you ever considered concussive bolt? and maybe to put the other open the vaults in :/ probably a slagstorm i get that the slagstorm might not kill your creatures when you use it because you might have 2 tempered steels but youd need two for any but the core prowler to survive so id swap an open the vaults for that especially when the person has sideboarded in stuff to disenchant your tempered steel since it'll get that back as well love the tumble magnets though i use them too
you need way more swamps dude 18 isn't nearly enough 18 is mana elf deck ramp amount of lands for this youll want around 22-24 lands
so how many people that you play with hate this deck?
he is arbor elf its the same thing but he can untap one of his forests which can be enchanted to add more mana then the usual forests and you should use joraga treespeaker its awesome xD
pretty much lol i havent tested it out yet but it should be interesting at the least lol
concussive bolt?
you got thoughtseize? dang! xD
so im guessing by your deck that it was worth it?
hmm if you plan on making it that way then why not use duress/inquisition of kozileck?
you need more creatures jonjon id probbaly take out like vigil for the lost and a couple of the equipments like pennon blade it doesnt really help you if you dont have alot of creatures out lol
thats what lotus cobra and bops are for plus he added one more lotus cobra to this deck so he can get them out plenty fast trust me =-=
kor haven is a good card you could also try a >< cant remember what its called exactly but the white hideaway land from lorwyn ummm martial coup? its costly but getting a day of judgement plus 5+ soldier tokens is just oh so sweet to not use it lol
:/ i could use it theres nothing saying i cant and i have used it before people hate scourglass with a passion of onethousand white hot suns
it does xD
true and even your guys who have metalcraft arent bad without it a 2/2 for 2? not bad a double striking 2/2 for 2? way better but wouldnt matter alot without it lol
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