this deck is awesome.
Ok, edited the deck. It's pretty dope now.
I just realized: Paladin en-vec takes huge, huge shits on this deck. Thank goodness he is about to be out of format.
You turn 4 some giant 8/7. I attack you with bloodbraid and ball lightning. You laugh and block the ball lightning with your 8/7. I laugh and RFG your 8/7 with magma spray. Or that's how it works in my magical fantasy land, haha! You do raise a good point about this and any red-heavy deck which is: if you don't win quickly, you don't win. I don't want the game to go on for any longer than it absolutely has to. I need to zerg you down and win before turn 6-7 or I have big problems. The good news is that this deck does lots of damage quickly.
ok edited the deck some after playtesting. it's pretty sweet.
Why so many one-ofs? How do you plan to get to the cards you need when you need them?
either turn this into an EDH deck or scrap it imo.
Nether traitor is not type II, prickly boggart is an interesting suggestion. I might just have to add him. Thanks!
Oh yeah, and I only build Type II decks so I can't use some of those sweet cards haha.
Wow, I really like that heartmender! That is a sweet card. I had been looking at woeleecher but I like yours better.
I use my twilight shepherd to persist my creeps after WoG, the MC as a one-of is just convenient vs. non-white. Taking a look at your deck now!
lol, Type II legal guys :p
oh and I just saw this: "Never, ever, ever, side out WOG for Mass calcify." I definitely never would! have no fear. would just add MC instead of boon reflection or something.
Actually building an entire deck around a central theme is fine; just look at seismic swans. The trick is to be able to be effective in accomplishing your win condition. This includes the act of ensuring that your win condition is not compromised.
While I understand where you're coming from, I feel that having MC as a one-of in my sideboard is viable... I can still have up to 3 WOG if I need them and vs. non-white decks MC is just brutal. My whole strategy is to stretch the game out and whittle my opponent down so waiting for 7 mana actually isn't a huge deal. Especially not for a late game tide-changer.
I don't want to get caught with any non applicable cards in the first game of a match. If I discover my opponent is not playing white, I can sideboard in mass calcify. I think I would drop boon reflection for another goldmane but I only own one :( lol
too many one-ofs. you will never draw the card you want. try to streamline the cards you are using. for example, if you look at your malfegor card, you will find that his ability gains much more bang for the buck in multiplayer settings. so maybe he isn't a great addition to this deck. if you want thraximundar in your deck, you want lots of creature sacrifice going on to pump him, and also want to have some way to protect him. accomplishing those two things alone would fill out the rest of your deck before you even got a chance to start thinking about nichol bolas. my suggestion would be, choose one of those three power cards, and then build the deck in a streamlined and helpful fashion around your choice.
Thank you for the response! Could you please illustrate why you do not think it would be competitive? Not fast enough? Not enough counter? Also, I agree, Stillmoon Cavalier is the JAM!! I originally had more two-drops in the deck but I found that threes are more of my sweet spot after playtesting, especially since I have infinite two drops once I get my lich lords of unx out. I was planning on sideboarding the zombie outlanders but I felt stillmoons and anathemancers were far more important to include, so the outlanders got cut. Twenty two lands may not seem like much given the casting costs in the deck but because of all the fancy lands my fixing is super efficient and I rarely find myself lacking the appropriate color combination.
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