It's always good to have alternative win conditions. Example, someone destroys all your Azorius Gates. You still have access to all the mana to use a Door Of Nothingness.Also, mind checking out my Madness deck? I'm going to make it this weekend actually.
Also, instead of any basic lands. Have 4 amulets, and 2 of each gates, minimum.
You won't need Into The Wilds with the Mul Daya around. And honestly the Avenger doesn't do much when it comes to the Maze's End situation. You could drop 2 Divinations if you want.
I'm back! And I've actually made my own Maze End that is vintage, so let's see what we can do.For one, Amulet Of Vigor, it'll let all your gates come in untapped, so it should help with speed.And instead of using Azusa, it is better to have 4 Mul Daya's, I've been able to play atleast 4-5 lands in a turn thanks to them being out.And if you find a way to fit them in, you can use Gateway Shade and Wall Of Glare with Hold The Gates together to make an intensely difficult wall of creatures.And since you have every color in the game, why not add another way to win? Door To Nothingness.And the last, and probably best thing for any deck focused on lands, Terra Eternal.And this is my Maze's End.
Another idea, instead of having your choice of demons, pick demons that have large, game changing abilities, their costing on mana shouldn't matter if you can play them with sacrificing, i did some hunting and got a list of good choices.Dread CacodemonGriselbrandHarvester Of SoulsLord Of The VoidPrince Of ThrallsRakdos, Both forms can be useful, Lord Of Riots and the DefilerAnd Reaper Of The Abyss.
Its also a golden choice card if you ever make a deck that uses Relentless Rats or decks that have nearly 4 of everything.
Thrumming Stone, so when you play a single Shadowborn, you can play all of them at once.
Oh, my bad I misread Falkenrath, when my buddy showed me it when he found it a few days ago, he said you needed to sacrifice a human. Seems like you can sac anything. In that case, keep her there since you can sacrifice the Gravecrawler, bring him back and repeat.
Still Stalker, he has Hexproof, and as well he costs one less.
Alright, standing corrected. Although, Lord Of Riots would be still a very good touch.
Yea I'm going to have to agree with Veggeh here, Invisible Stalker would be IMMENSELY better then Artful Dodge.
Looks decent, but there is deffinetly some better cards that work well with the Aggro approach.Instead of the Knight Of Infamys, which work horribly with the Hellriders and the idea of simply mass attackings, maybe replace with another zombie creature so you can use Gravecrawler more constantly such as Rakdos Guildmage, Shepherd Of Rot or Wight of Precinct Six for examples. The Falkenrath is a good card, no doubt, but your lack of humans make her almost worthless, there are alot of vampires that work good for Aggro, or even put in Rakdos, Lord Of Riots.I made my own Rakdos themed Aggro deck, and it's worked very well in my experience, might give you some ideas.
Of all things, I think Iona, she costs 9, and you have no really big mana ramp so that'll take a SHIT ton of time to get out, and it doesn't even do much with the exalted mechanic.
If you do put in Doran, then put in Slagwurm armor, it's pretty much will turn into a intense pump up for any defender.
Silent Arbiter I think would go perfect in an Exalted Deck, forces your opponent to block with only a single creature.
A really nasty card for any lifegain deck with be True Conviction, gives all your creatures Double Strike and Lifelink. Another good card to have if your gaining life constantly would be Angelic Accord, gives you creatures for life you gain.
Instead of Elite Vanguard, perhaps use Elite Inquisitor, it may cost an extra white to play, but all his additional abilities make this cost worth it, like honestly. Protection from Zombies/Werewolves/Vampires AND First Strike Vigilance for only 2 white? It's insanity.And since it's a Battalion, you need Odric, Master Tactician, you attack with your army of Vigilance/Indestructible, why not piss them off even more and not even let them block?
That, I've got no clue, I've been seeing it with all the m14 cards.
Perhaps Scourge Of Valkas, so whenever one of your dragons comes into play your dealing damage.And in the new 14 set, both Dragon Egg and Dragon Hatchling are very cheap cost Dragons that could be useful since majority of dragons are large cost to play.
I would put in Doran, The Siege Tower, would make all your defenders more deadly.
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