
166 Decks, 515 Comments, 113 Reputation

Alright, here is some cards I did a little looking into. Carnage Gladiator, if you are not blocking, might as well let your opponent feel some pain for blocking.
Instead of Ultamate Price, it would be better putting in 2 Dreadbores, it can kill any creature, and even planeswalkers, which can be game changing at times.
Rakdos Shred-Freak, it may not have Unleash, but a 2/2 for 2 red or black mana with haste is always nice in an aggressive deck. Or you can go with Spike Jester, it's same mana cost but a 3/1.

Posted 02 September 2013 at 02:55 in reply to #393648 on Rakdos Riot


And I suspect you won't be blocking much if your unleashing alot? Right lol?

Posted 02 September 2013 at 02:52 in reply to #393648 on Rakdos Riot


Well, you could also replace 2 mountains and 2 forests for their Red/White and Green/White shock land equivalents to help making sure you have White mana. I would also recommend Door of Destinies, it's amazing for Sliver decks.

Posted 02 September 2013 at 02:51 as a comment on Sliver deck... Oh and 2 Angels


This deck is pretty good, are you hoping to keep it with Standard or you don't completely care?

Posted 02 September 2013 at 02:49 as a comment on Rakdos Riot


Why not Zhur-Taa Druid? Good for mana generation and it deals damage as it makes the mana.
Also, since you have Ruric Thar, I would remove the Phytoburst in replace of creatures with Bloodrush, so you won't be loosing life from him.

Posted 02 September 2013 at 02:44 as a comment on Gruul


Well, since you're limited on the rares, if you can find ones to swap out, then two good choices would Hellrider and Odric, Master Tactician.
Hellrider just makes your constant attacks even more damaging, and Odric, well, if your attacking, why should your enemies block?

Posted 02 September 2013 at 02:41 as a comment on Super Hostile Boros


Alright, two cards you would want are Mycosynth Golem, to give Affinity for Artifacts to all your artifacts, and also Darksteel Forge, to make all your artifacts indestructible. And why not use the Artifact lands?

Posted 02 September 2013 at 02:35 as a comment on Artifact


Well, I'm drawing a couple hands right now, and I'm finding that mana isn't a problem, so that's a good thing to start off on. Would prefer if you try to get your hands on some more Shock Lands, since they would work faster then the gates in the earlier turns. And perhaps switch out the two Burning Tree Emissarys and the two Pillar Of Flames for two more of both Doom Blade and Searing Spear.

Posted 02 September 2013 at 02:31 in reply to #393432 on Unleash +1/+1 Counters


Alright, first thing is you need more lands. 25 out of 70 will make it difficult to get all your required mana.
Second, try to find cards that are not entirely required. I know from our games how Platinum Angel has pissed me off royally, but in all sense she has no real mixture or combinations with the other cards.
The same goes with these cards, you can exchange them out with other things if you want, your choice.
- Celestial Force, unless you get your hands on an Archangel of Thune, of which you can pair with to have alot of counters on your tokens.
- Chorus Of The Conclave, since it's a token deck, and they'll be your main fighting force, you can't really pump them up with the Chorus.
-Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter, nasty as all hell, nice removal possibilities, but he can be questioned in the idea of is it really a good idea to kill your army to make one guy powerful?
-Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage, You have enough token generation that you do not need Populate right now.
-Yavimaya Elder, Just seems a bit out of place, if anything use more Land Generation like Cultivates etc.
-Common Bond, no real game changing use.
-Black Sun Zenith, Really nasty, but again, you can easily kill off your entire army.

For cards to replace them, obviously lands are useful. You can also put in Doubling Season (For more then obvious reasons).
If you really want to keep in some Populate for more generation of tokens, I would recommend Growing Ranks, just let's you make tokens each turn for free pretty much.
I would possibly try to stick in cards with Proliferate, in particular Contagion Engine, so you can continue to pump up the creatures with +1/+1 counters as long as they are out.

Also, if you can find them, additional Sigil Captains and Phantom Generals can help making your tokens that much more powerful.

Posted 01 September 2013 at 00:25 as a comment on Tokens


I like where your going with this deck right now, but here's some suggestions.
Instead of the 4 Goblin Anarchists, put in 4 Slitherheads, they already have Scavenge for 0 mana, which is always useful.
And if you can find space, maybe sneak in a Corpsejack Menace or two, so when you unleash your creatures, they come in with extra counters, making them much more deadly, which is useful if you lose the ability to block.

Posted 31 August 2013 at 23:19 as a comment on Unleash +1/+1 Counters


I'm surprised you don't have Teysa, Envoy Of Ghosts in this deck, she could work very nicely. If you want, you could also toss in Avacyn's Collar, and equip it to either the Traveler or Monk so when they die, more Spirits.

Another good card you may like to look into would be Angel Of Flight Alabaster paired with Ashes Of The Fallen. This'll return those human cards back to the field to be killed again for more spirits.

Posted 31 August 2013 at 23:16 as a comment on B/W Spirits


Well, he could check out the Unraveling Minds theme deck, it's built around the Madness mechanic and works amazingly as is without edits. It's how I made my Madness deck with a few changes.

Posted 30 August 2013 at 01:49 in reply to #392567 on MADNESS!


Yea, Madness is one of those mechanics that you need to really focus on it to make it work, if you want a good way to maybe get ideas of a good Madness deck, check out mine.

Posted 28 August 2013 at 22:58 in reply to #392567 on MADNESS!


Yea, Darksteel plate works better. Since it's reusable.

Posted 27 August 2013 at 21:54 in reply to #391686 on RAWR!


Here, check it out lol.

Posted 26 August 2013 at 21:54 in reply to #391763 on Raging Avalanche


Then I think it's good as is. ^_^

Posted 26 August 2013 at 21:53 in reply to #391805 on Pmcnasty's dragons


Well, if you want something that won't be standard soon, but is currently standard, Somberwald Sage gives insane amounts of mana for creatures.

Posted 26 August 2013 at 02:35 as a comment on Pmcnasty's dragons


Yea, I use it actually in one of my decks, imagine that combo happening, but all my lands are indestructible creatures. :3

Posted 26 August 2013 at 02:32 in reply to #391763 on Raging Avalanche


Actually yes, completely forgot about Bear Umbra, that works as well.

Posted 26 August 2013 at 00:32 in reply to #391763 on Raging Avalanche


Well, you could use Hellkite Charger and have enough creatures on the battlefield that tap for mana. Tap them for mana to activate it's ability, attack with the ravine, Hellkite untaps the Ravine and all your mana generation creatures, repeat process.

Posted 25 August 2013 at 23:56 in reply to #391763 on Raging Avalanche


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