thx chad love you too
ok thanks
ok i like but how bout adding vault skirges
ya i know you got any ideas?
all right is added
ok will do
solemn simacrum
sorry to rain on you parade but min. deck size is 60
uh i thought a bout it but i have no need to pay 6{B} to flash it back and there realy isnt any thing else i want to spend the mana on
needs more treespeakers and nissa's
then give a fuckin suggestion
i like it but why not run blazing archon it is much better then some of the cards you are running for instance -1 acidic slime +1 blazing archon
any one like it?
needs elvish champions and joraga treespeakers
i would add roof top storm if i were you
you red proliferate stuff
ya that would more then likely help you out
i made a new one plz check it out
maybe but i do prefer the 1/1 counters
141-160 of 209 items