ya maybe if i build a side board
i did think about it but it would mess with the non permanent count
what do you mean its not a zombie deck?!?
k thx chad
Thought Courier is uncommon
thats exactly why im confused
who is your commander?
i like check out my U/W edhhttp://www.mtgvault.com/thalthos/decks/grand-arbiter-edh/
you need one more card
add thalia
i'm going straight down and making sugestions as i go. as i write i know nothing of what come later drop manalith for coalition relic. drop bogardan hellkite (i'll list filler at the end). drop teneb. drop rites of flourishing. drop scuttlemutt (i think that was out of order, but idc). drop mizzium skin. drop all 4 planeswalkers. drop exhume. drop life's finale. drop living death. drop obliterate. drop guildgates (consider them again after dragon's maze). drop exotic orchard. alright. that wasn't too bad. add the reanimating nephalim from the original ravinica (when he attacks reanimating shenanigins come forth). add brawn to help you connect. add kaalia for the trollz. add rhystic study. add sylvan primordial. add time stretch. add sensei's devining top (drop this if you want, idc). add consecrated sphinx. add reflecting pool (this should be the first land on the decklist of every edh deck with a multicolored commander. and then command tower). add vorinclex. add mana reflection. add true conviction (now everyone hates you). add the oldest and the newest lilianas. add vampiric tutor and demonic tutor (always find that nephalim. always.) add wound reflection. add rage reflection. add immortal servitude (i just want to try this really badly). add debtor's knoll (your second best tutor target). add mirari's wake. add maelstrom wanderer. add balefire dragon. some things i should have had you drop: snapcsater (da fuq?) all the reanimating instant/sorceries (other than unburial rites. flashback = :)) drop dragon tyrant. drop the basics. drop krosan verge. drop all of the mana dorks. drop cultivate and rampant growth. drop nicol bolas. drop jin gitaxis. with all that out of the way spice up your lands. here's my policy for decks like this: run each guild's shockland (already on the list), dual land (those really expensive ones from alpha/beta), and split land (from eventide/morningtide/lorwyn/shadowmoor) we already have the 5 vivid's, command tower, and now reflecting pool, bringing us up to 37 lands if i was counting correctly from there toss in your choice of utilities (vault is the first that comes to mind). some things if you have room: vela, chaos warp, duplicant, loyal retainers, iona, angelic arbiter. remember: the key to this deck is attacking, being unblocked, and then choosing your target dragon at instant speed to respond to and ultimatly lock down your opponent. select board wipes (balefire dragon + true conviction = <3) when needed, damage when needed, land destruction when needed, etc. remember that the key is being unblocked, and that you can only make him a copy of something else for a turn. also, in the next block i want a white planeswalker whose final is "you get an emblem with 'instants and sorceries you control have lifelink' and 'whenever you gain life, you may draw a card'"-chad
the artifacts no have girls in the art so....
thought about it but the mana cost is to high
this is also really good
ok so i look at this and am overwhelmed first of its over 100 cards so the consistence of drawing any one combo is near non existant second you have a lot of huge creatures but by the time you get them out any competitive deck will have killed you
its a good aggro deck for being only 16 dollars
its great for a budget deck keep up the awesome work
it looks like a great budget deck maybe add five fire alarmalso please check out my deck and make sure to read the descriptionhttp://www.mtgvault.com/thalthos/decks/friendly-challenge/
thx for the in put ill see if i own any
i would run gravecrawler but hes a rare and ill look in to the other cards and see if i have any
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