Sure, why not? Two neat decks I found this morning: though I retracted most of what I said there.
Haha! Phyrexian Unlife deck.Alright, that's cool. Although, I have to ask: Why do you have Undying Wish?You might want to replace it with Doom Blade or something else just to make sure you don't get smashed before you can lose enough life.
Wow. Yeah, looks like it would work really well against creature-based decks.I personally would have something to deal with black creatures on the field(to supplement/replace Doom Blade), but I can see why that might seem irrelevant.So would Sorin/the Specters be your finishers?
OK, I misunderstood that part.Very cool and convoluted combo
My only question is: when you sacrifice Children of Korlis, does it activate Recurring Nightmare?May want to look that up.
Sepulchral Primordial. Perfect.
Ah... Yes, that's true. Thank you for pointing that out.And Dark Ritual works perfectly!Any suggestions for a different beater?
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