From my experience 18 lands isnt too bad as long as you have other sources for mana, such as the Mystic and Acolyte. I haven't seen too much mana screwing except maybe a couple times which would be as common as in any other deck with base 20 lands. I may try this deck first and if I notice I'm having some issues with mana/early game I'll try it your way. I tried to go a little cheaper than my other hydra decks because I noticed how expensive they were, that and Corpsejack Menace is a beast.
it says any counters added, so I would assume yes
Bow of Nylea is nice, but the issue I had with that is that the deathtouch only applies to attacking creatures. This would mean that I would have to drop something for the Bow and I should be fine without deathtouch. Unfortunately, with it's counter ability/life it's a little too slow for my liking.
Think I might drop Garruk for Slither but I don't think I'll need more 1-drops than that, Viper does it's job pretty well and I think I have enough swamps that I won't have an issue drawing one when I need one.So;-2 Garruk+ 2 Slither
I thought about slitherhead, but when I filled up the list, I didn't have a spot for it. I need the Viper for it's deathtouch, but seeing as I haven't played this deck I don't know how well Viper or Slither will do. So, I'll toss Slitherhead on the side.
trying to stay standard
I have, didn't think I would rack up enough counters to beat out the devotion ramp.
While I like the look of corpse-jack menace, I think I'd rather stay mono-green for this, it focuses the mana ramp to one color rather than diverging it into two/three colors. Rogues passage was considered but as I stated previously in a different reply was that I didn't want to roll with it. As for voyaging satyr, I don't quite know yet. I think I'll sideboard him to put in if I notice difficulties with mana ramping.
I did consider Ordeal originally, but I then switched it out because I wont get my hydras out fast enough with 3 counters (or the rev hunter) for it to be better than Kara. With Kara I can whip out 2-3 creatures before it comes down so it actually ends up giving 2-3 mana per turn and increases as the game goes on.
Fair enough, I'll drop the 4x time to feed for 1 forest and 3 Garruks. I think this deck is turning into more of a "let's see how high we can get this deck to cost!" Funny. I'm fine with the cost, it just surprised me more because I didnt expect it to get this high.
Looks like a great card, the only problem is that I don't know what card I would have to take out for it.
trying to stay mono green. I used to have a splash of red for Savageborn Hydra, but I cut it because red is not worth splashing for 1 card. Deadly is to keep the opponent from attacking me with anything too strong while I get my stuff out.
eh, it's a difference of 1 cmc, wont make too much difference in the long run imo
I like the idea about the nykthos, think I'll add those in by removing 2 Forests. As for the Garruk, I feel that by the time I get Garruk out (turn 3-5 at the earliest) I can already whip out hydras and deal enough damage to make a difference. I think Garruk would simply just add time on.
eh, the reason I went 2 on all of the legendary stuff was because I didnt want to come across it enough for me to have a second/third one in my hand when one is already out on the field. I think rev hunter is good where he's at as well because he is like a miniature hydra with his devotion giving him counters
Wow, I just saw Gyre sage. Yea, definitely going to swap out for that. I think I'll drop 1 recluse and 1 rev hunter for 2 acolytes though because I need the recluses to prevent my opponent from getting at me so eagerly, heh.Edit: actually, I think I'll go 3/3
I was considering it, but I don't know if I would end up needing the life or not. Alpha Authority is similar to it, but unfortunately Alpha Authority lacks the ability to target a blocking defender. Now that I think about it, I may need the health in case I don't manage to get my Hydras out fast enough. So Time to Feed sounds good.
Updated deck with suggestions. Currently stuck on what to put into the last 4 remaining spots (alpha authority/voyaging satyr/another choice card for this deck)
then I shall swap it for kalonian! :)
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