but its only 59 cards! :P
hmmm I wasnt thinking duress because its not really true super mill, nemesis costs the same amount as haunting echoes/traumatize/archive trap/Keening Stone so I probably will keep it in.
also maybe swap out my guard gomazoa for Nemesis?
yea thats what I forgot for my counter spells, I was thinking of others but thanks for reminding me! also I probably should sideboard archive traps in so I have a 60 card deck. However I put the haunting echoes in so when I sadistic sacrament I can just remove all eldrazi that would come back. Then thats where the keening stone/ traumatize run on in to mill em down to zero. thanks for the info though!
but I forgot one important card and it was mind funeral so I swapped tome scour for that
although it is nice in the title what dont you understand of STANDARD? ;)
Actually I have more large creatures than anything else, I'd use ponder and Jace to use my polymorph properly and so I would have a better chance to whip out an eldrazi
goblin scouts? I play none and also why assault? more enchantments mean less goblins less goblins may mean more tokens but if the goblins MUST attack each turn its practically useless
I've played this deck swapping out dragon fodder for seismic strike and it worked well. The raid bombardments are good for early game if I don't have a chief out. Also they stack so if I have 2 bombardments, 2 guides and a raging then I am doing 11 dmg 6 being unblockable and going off instantly. I've seen even my seige-gang with splinter twin and a chief with 3 bombardments out and it was doing some serious damage. as for the trumpet blast, it is a good side swiper if you want to take some of their creatures down or finish their life off. They usually see it coming and block to take less damage or dont and die
I like how much exalted you have but maybe throw in some more basic lands? I dont like the idea of battle lands because if you play burn they can just bolt the lands when they become creatures.
yep gonna start working on that right away.
Yes, I think I will take out piker for bushwacker. but raging goblin is part of the damage he makes it easier to damage their life away. I like Warren instigators but they are a VERY big target and squishy as well. I used to put in teetering peaks but I found them nearly useless in my deck
or you can go cancel burn with negate/cancel/essence scatter and light bolt/meteor swarm/ ball lightning
Yes... if this is to kill eldrazi then how does it work? I see you wish to discard them away however the only thing that would is sadistic sacriment once an eldrazi such as emrakul goes into the graveyard they get their graveyard back.
In theory, it should work
yea, dealing with eldrazi is my main problem, but most decks I have seen are level up and control, not much eldrazi. guess they aren't as cracked up to be after all.
actually.... if they are legendary then they die and go directly into your deck. Not sure if you draw the 16 cards before or after they go back into your deck. however I would fill up you side board with eldrazi just to warn people to not mess with you ;)
actually me and my bud's have checked that and in tourny play you NEED them in your sideboard. if it is for fun then yes, you can grab them out of your binder and play them.
yea, I would put more cards in but I need to get what I need before I get the punch. The basilisk collar is to kill anything that gets in the way for either of them and then Prized Unicorn can swing on through.
Try to throw in some Mortician Beetle, it would get pumpped up really fast! Also if you've got bloodghasts in your deck possibly throw in some Bone Splinters?
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