Maybe it's a personal preference, but Snapcaster seems like it wouldn't be terrible. Something like... -1 Fog Bank -2 Dissipate -1 Black Sun's Zenith +4 Snapcaster It lets you rebuy spot removal and ponders and mana leaks for safety, basically because it's a B/U control deck with a red splash for Nicol Bolas. Also, sideboard, Mental Misstep. Let me tell you dude. It and Gut Shot are amazing side board cards for any control deck because they just stop so many decks. No mana dorks, no delvers, no opposing ponders/vapor snags etc. 2 life to stop something can be so worth it. Maybe something liiiiike 3x Mental Misstep 2x Gut Shot 1x Vapor Snag 2x Doom Blade (If they play artifacts) 1x Blasphmous Act 6x Other Cards Rock em sock em robots man.
Dude, dude, its me. Like, fer sure dude. And I gotta say, I got my shit kicked in the other night while play testing with a friend of mine and his new M13 vampire deck. Nocturnus with a Nighthawk and a flipped Bloodline and a few durdlers and he swung for 24 for the one turn swing win. Pretty terrible feeling. I'm not a huge fan of Blood Artist without Mortarpod or some kind of sacrifice outlet and recurrence like how Zombies use it. While Nocturnus is amazing in mono-black like you have it, I wanna say Stromkirk Noble could almost be better depending. Obviously against Delver/Vapor Snag its worthless, but against stuff like Humans, it could steal wins fast. Other than that. Sign in Blood is the shit. Got killed by that one time. 2 life, pay 2 black, win, yeah, seems good. Also, Duress is back and welcomed greatly. Fuck Despise. I should post my Standard Reanimator. It's codenamed "Raisin' Brand" and its done decently haha.
Mono Green with no Green Suns Zenith? GSZ is like playing copies 5-8 of most of your cards, also allows you to pick and choose what you need for when you need it. Also, Strangleroot Giest is one of the best two drops that green has right now. It's aggressive and resiliant. Maaaybe try +4 Green Suns Zenith - Search for any creature in your deck? Sounds good. +4 Strangleroot Giest - Aggressive and helps push through a lot of the early damage you need to steal out a win. +4 Llanowar Elf - A second turn Champion of Lambholt is so much better than a third turn. Same with a second turn Ooze. Not to mention it has the ability to attack as well, which is never a bad thing. -4 Infiltration Lens -2 Uvenwald Tracker - Which seems odd, but having Green Suns means you can play less, because if you don't have good enough creatures, or if they have no creatures, it's not the best thing to have at the moment. -2 Primodial Hydra - Big creatures are always good, but big creatures that you invest a lot into that can die and leave you open. It's nice to have a late game plan to use up all your mana you'll have, but having multiples in your opening hand can be awkward. -4 Relcaim - Most of the time you're not gonna want to put a creature they just killed back on the top of your deck. Mainly because now you're gonna draw the same creature, nothing new, so it's almost like you Time Walked yourself for your opponent, especially if they can answer it again.
I'm not really sure you noticed it yourself, but you're playing a swamp with no need too. I'm going to assume you meant to work in Lingering Souls because it is by far one of the best current standard cards made. If anything, I'd say take out the Righteous Blows for Lingering Souls along with a Cackling Counterpart. Gives you more bodies to become crazy strong flying hexproof beaters with Captain + Favorable Wind. This was the kinda deck I was thinking of making after Avacyn gets legal. Also, look into maybe Phantasmal Image, which works wonders for your captians/flipped delvers/geists etc.
I always said if I was going to make an ally deck it was going to be a WG deck because all the best cards are WG imo. The main weakness I see here is mass removal. If they can hit your board late on with something like a DoJ then it'll be pretty much impossible to crawl back up from the depths of destruction. Maybe try something like.... - 4 Ondu Cleric Personally, the cleric isn't worth it. Unless you're running Rite of Replication, most of the time you'll get some life and secretly wish that the cleric you were holding was another card. + 2 Dauntless Escort Hopefully the 3 drop will allow you're creatures to survive and could even give you a turn to just run your whole team into your opponent without fear of death. I know it's not an ally, but he easily could make it a lot easier to win for you. - 4 Graypelt Refuge + 2 Sunpetal Grove + 2 G/W Manland It'll help with man and the man-land will give you an extra beating stick and could help if there running fliers.
Looks pretty straightforward. You might want to look into getting either Espleth Knight Errant or some Ajani Goldmanes. Either of those will take your deck to a much higher level and help push it towards winning a lot more matches. I'd pick Espleth if you had to choose although her price is quite high at the moment.
I'm not 100% sure you understand how draft works. Draft decks are 40 cards, not 60, because then you end up with stuff like the above deck. There is no way to make a 60 good quality deck with draft picks unless you get like 3 more packs.
This deck is just an exact copy of the Naya Lightsaber that pulled out a win at worlds. I don't know if you've seen it yet, but Worldwake has come out and has updated the deck a bit to make it a lot better. You should look at the deck that LSV played. It actually went 16-0 which is the current record for most wins in a row, albeit that 6 of those wins were from a draft. It's called Boss Naya, and personally, it's a much better Naya build.
I really feel like you should definitally still play fetch-lands. They help you early game to put pressure with a lot of your creatures and late game the lands they produced can be used for your combo.
Just as a reference, Jwari Shapeshifter only shifts into other Allys, thus, she can't copy anyone but herself in your deck. That pretty much makes her useless. Might want to reconsider that choice haha.
- 4 Goblin Roughrider +2 Siege Gang Commander +2 Goblin Ruinblaster Roughrider is completely useless to be honest, Ruinblaster is a much bigger help, so would more Seige Gangs with 4 Instigators in the deck. - 4 Mountain + 4 Arid Mesa Allows for opponent turn Searing Blaze and helps thin out the deck more.
Rules: It's not Standard Legal in the least bit. Sorry : /
It's not bad, it's just to scattered, like AEthercraft mentioned. If you narrow your selections down and add a few more card it would probably work out a lot better. Try something like... -2 Birds of Paradise -4 Bloodbraid Elf -2 Habaraz Druid -2 Scute Mob -2 Marshal's Anthem -2 Elspeth -3 Intimidation Bolt 17 Cards All of those are more aggro centered cards. The Bloodbraids in it, sadly, would most of the time just cascade into one of your spells or a Mana Acceller, something that doesn't make it all that worth while. Intimidation Bolt isn't bad, but instead you should max out your Path to Exiles and Naya Charms, both of which would help a lot more with control. Try something like this! + 2 Ajani Vengeant + 2 Naya Charm +1 Path to Exile +2 Master of the Wild Hunt +1 Mold Shambler +4 Great Stable Stag +2 Baneslayer Angel +2 Noble Hieriach +1 Oblivion Ring 17 Cards I was thinking control while coming up with cards. Like AEther said, Ajani Vengeant is an amazing control card and is completely Naya Friendly. Naya Charm is again amazing, either tapping there creatures or getting you one of yours back or killing one of theres, it's extremely versitile. More Paths More Bettah'! Master of the Wild Hunt with Wolfbriar Elemental can get quite insane in the late game and can easily help you kill a lot of big creatures. It's always a nice thing. Mold Shambler, while most people will pick Acidic Slime because of his deathtouch, you could easily switch out the Shambs for the Slimes, it's up to your preference, but being able to take out a Planeswalker is really nice. GSS would be an amazing card up against Vampires or UW control. It has a lot of uses and can help you gain a board presence. Baneslayers are the Queens of Standard at the moment. There just amazing in general. More Nobles for the Exalted bonus and mana acceling. And another Oblivion Ring to help move along your removal. Just some ideas to help hopefully move you towards more of what you want in the end. :D Good luck!
I don't know why you would ever use Call to Heel. Return a creature, it's controller draws a card? Unless you're returning your own creature, it's pretty much a really bad Unsummon. I'll start out by saying the obvious, you should be using Drowned Catacombs instead of the Jwar Isle Refuge, but I'm assuming it's on a budget/don't have any. So that can be looked past. Honestly, with a deck so based around sacrificing your own creatures, I don't see how Soul Stair Expedition isn't main decked. And there's also the blue Quest that allows you to shuffle your entire graveyard back into your deck, which could be a useful way to keep your deck going should you be running low on means to continue providing for your Monument/Aristicrat. I feel as though you should look into some kind of token generator though to help supply for the Aristicrat/Monument. I was thinking Cemetary Reaper might be a good start but he doesn't really go all that well with the whole, vampire theme. So, I dunno, there is that legendary vampire that can make tokens, but he's hell-a expensive to play haha.
I favor Behemoth Sledge way over Bonesaw. The +2/+2 and Trample/Lifelink with Kor Duelist is insane at times. And while you may not of ran it because it said G in the cost. Most people dont usually read the second ability of the Stoneforge Mystic. It allows you to play any equip from your hand. The way I see it, after you bring it out for 2, which is one less than it's actual cost, you can just simply equip for 3. Also, Steppe Lynx with only 4 fetch lands probably isn't the best use of that slot. Sadly he can only get good damage in four times then he's pretty much done. In most decks that run him they run atleast 8 fetchlands and other Landfall creatures to ensure he gets the most out of his ability. I'd say try these changes... - 4 Bone Saw - 4 Steppe Lynx - 2 Kor Skyfisher +1 Behemoth Sledge +1 Stoneforged Mystic +1 Kor Duelist +1 Honor of the Pure +3 Conquerors Pledge +3 White Knight/Kor Firewalker While mainboarding the White Knights or Firewalkers might not seem like a good idea, which todays meta-game being dominated by red/black, these cards are easily main-boarded now. Conquerors Pledge with Armament Master is nuuuuts. Honor of the Pure helps further increase your tokens and creatures. Also, more of the good cards would probably be better. Full Duelist and Full Stoneforged would be better than the Lynx's. Hope I helped some :D
I myself do not play vampires, but I've played against enough of them to know what makes a good vampire deck. The Pulse Tracker and Blood Seeker are not needed in a vampire deck at all. In place of them I would add Vampire Hexmages and more Kalastria Highborn. With a 2/1 First Striker you can defend and attack with it pretty well, but it's ability to take out a planeswalker is pretty powerful. And the Kalastria is way more useful in terms of HP loss when compared with the Pulse Tracker/Blood Seeker. I also agree with the above, take out the Butcher for another Witch. And also you might want to try out Sigh in Blood instead of Disentomb. The card draw engine might and will probably prove to be a lot more useful.
As far as instants go there's not much those colors can do to stop them. Best way is to work around them. Your Kabira Evangel with a well timed Join the Ranks could help protect your team against things such as Lightning Bolts or Path to Exiles. Also, as far as opposing Enchantments go, using an enchantment of your own to take them out might help you a lot. Oblivion Ring is a good card for this and is 2W, so it shouldn't be hard to play down.
I dunno, as a personal thing I'm not a very big fan of Equips like the Claws. I always just feel like there's a better card that could take it place. Artifact equips are always better because when they Path your equipped Goblin, you can always reatch it, no such luck with the claws. You mentioned an EMonument, I'd replace the claws and try those out. Also, adding fetchlands would be a bonus. Arid Mesa/Scaldering Tarn. Since you only have mountains no matter what you'll get a mountain, just helps to keep your deck thinned out to hit those important creature drops. i'd say do - 8 Mountains +4 Arid Mesa +4 Scaldering Tarn
I actually disagree with the above about the Woolly Thoctars, while they are one of my favorite cards, in a deck like this they'd be clunky and not really needed. If anything, a 3 drop you should look into is Cunning Sparkmage. Combine that with the Basilisk Collar and you have yourself a death-touch pinger right out of the gate from the Mages haste. Easily dispatches BSA and other nasties that you might otherwise be afraid of. Also, in terms of Mana Excel, I would go to say that Noble Hierach would be good here. It gets you two of your three mana you use, and the exalted bonus is just gravy tbh. Just picture that KoR getting a nice bonus from your NH's as it bashes into your opponents life, delicious in my opinion.
If anything, I would look into Lullmage Mentor if you are going to play Summon the School. It will ramp into more Merfolk and give you a steady stream of a counter to help keep your opponent in check. Also, Sygg is amazing, and if anything you should play more of those. Maybe try something like this... -3 Coral Merfolk -3 Merfolk of the Pearl Trident -3 Fishliver Oil -2 Merrow Commerce -2 Cold-Eyed Selkie Basically, Coral and Pearl should be replaced for better Merfolks, like Wake Trasher, Sygg, Soverign, Reejerey and you should also look into Lord of the Atlantis. Also, Merrow Commerce doesn't work with Wake Thrasher because the untapping of Merfolks could easily add about 4-5 to it. And if you end up trying Lullmage, it could add about an extra 7+ depending. Also, the Selkies for Silvergil Adept would probably work better. It's a 2/1 for 2 and lets you draw a card right off the back. While the Selkie is a little bit more situational for the draw and starts as a 1/1 for 3. +2 Wake Thrasher +2 Sygg +3 Lord of Atlantis +2 Lullmage Mentor +1 Merfolk Soverign +1 Merfolk Reejerey +2 Silvergil Adept Also, you could easily play Glacial Fortress and Wanderwine Hub to help out your mana a lot. You will pretty much never have mana problems that way. -4 Island -4 Plains +4 Glacial Fortress +4 Wanderwine Hub Hope I helped some
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