
5 Decks, 59 Comments, 1 Reputation

I'm not a particular fan of the Whiplash Traps. There expensive and if your opponent in fact gets two creatures in one turn. If you want to return cards to there hands I would replace those with Into the Roils. Not only does it cover those pesky enchantments that could easily end your game faster than a creature could, it allows you to draw a card, helping move along your game as well, all the while most likely costing less than a hard-cast Whiplash Trap.

Also, you are probably playing with what you have, but if you get the chance to, work in some Scalding Tarns to help with Mana and thinning out your own deck and maybe some Dragonskull Summits and/or Drowned Catacombs.

Posted 17 December 2009 at 03:10 as a comment on Grixis Flare


DJGates isn't as smart as he might think he is if he says that Blademaster isn't worth it's weight in a non-ally deck. Take this into consideration...

White Knight WW 2/2 First Strike, Protection from Black
Kazandu Blademaster WW 1/1 First Strike, Vigilance, get's a +1/+1 counter right off the back, then if you play another it gets another one. So it's basically a 2/2 that trades PFB for Vigilance, and with all the high amount of black cards some people would prefer White Knight, but with the fact that Blademaster is a soldier, it has amazing synergy with all the soldier cards out there. Plus if there not playing black Vigilance could help way more than protection.

Other cards you might want to look into

- Another Elite Vanguard, four would be much better, there very good cards
- Look into Ranger of Eos, he could easily tutor out the Elite Vanguards and if your playing Red/White you might also want to consider the next card, because it goes really well with Ranger, who is a soldier I might add.
- Goblin Bushwacker, and while he's not a soldier, picture this. You tutored out a Bushwacker and Vanguard last turn, this turn you play a Conqueror's Pledge and get 6 tokens, you have a Glory of Warfare and a Honor of the Pure out, you play a kicked Goblin Bushwacker, you get to attack with 7 5/2''s the turn it's played, that's.... Amazing, even if it's a Marital Coup, you could clear the field then played the kicked goblin and sweep there board, it's, beautiful.
- Arid Mesa, it finds a mountain or a plains for 1 life and helps to thin out your deck helping you find cards that would actually help you faster.
- Ajani Goldmane, while he doesn't make soldier tokens, his ability to give your soldiers +1/+1 counters is amazing and vigilance, he's not used for his ultimate so never bother with it honestly, you should be using it almost always for the tokens.
- Bold the Elements, sideboard at best, could keep your white soldiers alive through like a Pyroclasm or something of the sort that threatens killing your creatures.
- Conqueror's pledge, I like this more than Marital Coup sometimes, it's 5 mana for 6 1/1 tokens, and has the ability to get you 12 if played late enough. And while it doesn't clear the board, it does allow you to keep your own creatures if your doing ok enough as is.
- Path to Exile, if there playing big creatures like Baneslayer Angel or something of the sort that could beat you down to a pulp, sideboard these or replace Harm's Way with them, because there almost a must of in most decks.

Just some stuff to think about.

Posted 16 November 2009 at 00:09 as a comment on W/R Soldier T2 (Comment please)


@ Didley, the card your thinking of is Akoum Refuge, it taps for R or B, but is a EBT card. But yes, I do think it would be better than Piranha Marsh.

- 4 Piranha Marsh
+ 4 Akoum Refuge

If anything, as far as the Doom Blades are concerned, they seem more like Sideboard material in the current meta-game. With so many black cards, getting stuck with them main deck during the first match would just have them being dead draws, instead, stick them in the side board so if there not playing black you can switch them in. I'd add another Burst Lightning, Terminate and Blightning in place of them that way you can just switch them in if needed.

Posted 09 November 2009 at 02:58 as a comment on VAMPYROS


Just be careful of the Emeria's, they can easily become dead draws if you get unlucky in a 2 color deck. I'd really say try to fit in a play set of Harm's Way, if not four of them at least three of them, maybe try out Harm's Way instead of Path to Exile.

Posted 08 November 2009 at 22:22 as a comment on R/W Control type two


If your using Nissa Revane, you might wanna make room for a fourth copy of Nissa's Chosen, using her and not a full playset of her chosen just doesn't seem right. Maybe drop a Oracle for a Nissa's.

Posted 08 November 2009 at 15:47 as a comment on Blazing elves vers II


You might wanna look into a card called Bloom Tender. It's a two drop 1G that you can tap to add mana of all the colors amongst permaments you control. So those four different color drops makes making mana a little easier for the big things.

Posted 06 November 2009 at 02:50 as a comment on Rise of the Nephilims


I was looking for Nissa Revene and didn't see her. I would take out the Scattershot Archers too, there not good unless it's a white weenie flying or fairies. Instead, put in 3x Nissa Revene, they will help a lot, not only do they cycle through your Nissa's chosen making basically an infinite blocker, once her ultimate hits, most of the time it's game and point.

-3 Scattershot Archer
-1 Oracle of Mul Daya

+3 Nissa Revene
+1 Nissa's Chosen

If your gonna play the Planeswalker, four of her chosen is almost a requirement.

Posted 06 November 2009 at 02:47 as a comment on elves beatdown


From the looks your going for extended play, if you are, you might wanna look into Preeminent Captain which can get out the big cards like Captain of the Watch and such for free.

Posted 13 October 2009 at 14:25 as a comment on soldiers sorcery


I don't see why you'd play Terror with Doomblade available. DB hits the artifacts that terror won't.

Posted 13 October 2009 at 14:19 as a comment on Vampires are REALLY ALIVE


I wouldn't go as far as to say that Sign in Blood should be taken out, 2 life for two cards sounds like a deal to me, especially with all the life gain you could potentially be getting.

That, and the fetch lands are to thin out the deck to ensure that you get more actual cards and not drawing lands all the time, think of it this way, with those, he's basically playing a 56 card deck, better odds make for better draws when you need them.

You could add Vampire Lac's or GDVamp, but you don't always need that one drop creature, first turn Disfigure or Duress can keep you going until the turn two Bloodghast or Hexmage.

Posted 13 October 2009 at 14:14 as a comment on Blightning Vampires


Well, with all the new cards gone in standered like Runed Halo and Pacifism. Obviously you'll need to rework this.

- 4 Runed Halo
-4 Prison Term
+4 Luminarch Acension
+4 Harm's Way

You should really look into the new Enchantment Luminarch Acension, seems to fit fine with the Silence and damage preventions. Also, instead of the Runed Halos, you might wanna look into Harm's Way, with the current metagame being kinda big in the whole burn thing with Lightning Bolt/Burst Lighting/Blighting and all that stuff, Harm's Way is a good way to allow you to live and damage your opponent. I saw a white deck burn a red deck with harms way, it was sweet.

Posted 12 October 2009 at 14:48 as a comment on White Bricks T2


Ah, a classic Quillspike + Devoted Druid combo :) Love me some infinite combos

Posted 10 October 2009 at 18:10 as a comment on Elf


If you're going to play Elf, if anything, I would look into the new planeswalker that just came out in Zendikar, Nissa Revene is amazing. Take out the wellwishers and put in four Nissas Chosen. Nissa's second ability which is also a + one gives 2 LPs for each elf in play, while her first ability lets you search for a Nissa's Chosen, which btw don't die if sent to the GY. Her final ability just makes your elf deck explode by bringing out EVERY elf creature in it. IMO is a new must have for elf decks. It's amazing.

Posted 10 October 2009 at 18:09 as a comment on Elf Deck V 3.0


Obviously it's a Behemoth Naya deck. As for what you should change, there's a bit you could take a second glance at. For instance

Druid of the Anima = Bad. It's a two drop 1/1 that can produce mana. Most of the time playing a Llanowar Elves would reap you many more benefits to have three mana on turn two than four on turn three. What you'll really wanna go for is instead of both of those cards you should be using Birds of Paradise, because a BoP could easily net you a second turn Woolly Thoctar, and there's a lot of people out there that would cower at such a play.

Also, as mentioned above me, Spellbreaker Behemoth should be in your deck. With having big creatures, if they counter then, you're pretty much out of a wincon. So, taking out the Paleoth, which is a terrible behemoth to begin with, and even the Rakeclaws, because it doesn't matter if they have first strike if they never hit the table, and put in 3x Spellbreaker Behemoth.

Goblin Mountaineer is just terrible in general. If you wanna play a one drop, Goblin Guide does his job 10 times over, a one drop with haste that's 2/2 with a not that bad downside. It could be a good lead and a good play late game.

Get rid of the Lightning Talons, there not worth it. Instead, put in creature removal. Lightning Bolt from M10 is a common and the best burn spell in the game atm. One drop for 3 is amazing. Put 4 of those in there asap.

Also, if your playing big beast, running Garuuk instead of Chandra will help a lot. Not only does he make more monsters for you to overrun your opponent, but he has a built in overrun and can help you get more creatures out with his ability to let you untap two lands.

Obliesk of Naya isn't good, take it out and look at the Dual Lands from M10. Rootbound Crag and Sunpetal Grove are the lands you should take a look at, same with the new fetch lands in Zendikar. Arid Mesa for the R/W.

So, in conclusion....

-2 Rakeclaw Gargantuans
-1 Paleoloth
-4 Obliesk of Naya
-4 Druid of Anima
-4 Goblin Mountineer
-4 Lightning Talons
-1 Chandra Nalaar

+4 Birds of Paradise(Llanowar Elves)
+3 Spellbreaker Behemoth
+4 Lightning Bolt
+4 Goblin Guide(Maybe Bloodbraid Elf if you like cascading into Woolly Thoctar)
+1 Garuuk Wildspeaker

Hope I helped somewhat :D

Posted 10 October 2009 at 18:05 as a comment on BIG and BEASTY!!


Well, to begin with if your going mono-red, you might wanna replace the Arid Mesa with different cards, I know that they thin out the deck even more, but with only 20 lands you shouldn't really be to concerned with over drawing lands, if anything, you should be concerned with getting the Ball Lightnings. I know that they are a 6/1 for RRR that has haste/trample, but with all the first strikers out there and all the spot removal, I think it'd be a sad day for you to see your third turn Ball Lightning die to something like a Lightning Bolt, or worse, get hit by a Bitourous Blast and they cascade into a lightning bolt or Blightning, that'd hurt even more.

But I dygress, imo, you should probably replace the Ball Lightning with more spot removal yourself. You might wanna try out Burst Lightning or maybe even splashing another color. You could for ex.

Keep Arid Mesa but take out like 5 mountains and replace them with like say... Plains. With white being splashed in there now, you could use cards like Harms Way to help protect your goblins and take out there creatures, or maybe Path to Exile to help clear there board. You could even try splashing Green instead and switching the Arid Mesas or something. Colossal Might would make for a surprise to a opponent.

Oh, and I <3 Warren Instigator. :D

Posted 07 October 2009 at 23:33 as a comment on zendikar type 2 goblins


Since Zen came out, I was actually thinking about making an angel deck too. Luminarch Acension is probably the only way it could really be competetive, I was beaten many times during a sealed tournament by it, it's annoying because it's played usually second turn and by the fifth turn if they played right, they could be spawning a lot of tokens and just easily run you down. If anything then, I'd almost be tempted to run a White/Green token deck, featuring Fog and a few other misc things to help stall till Luminarch started to kick in.

If anything, by adding green you could basically make it a Bant theme. Just think of it lol. Noble Hierachs to help accel mana and get bigger plays out a lot faster. Not to mention some more enhancements to proc off of SotET, which is a fav of mine. Basically turns most cards into 2 for 1's.

Posted 06 October 2009 at 12:30 as a comment on Multiple Angels (tokens)


I dunno, I'd say blue is pretty good too, just think of Rite of Replication with Allies is crazy good. 5 tokens? Just think if you have the black shaman one out, that's a lot of damage probably by the time you cast a kick'd RoR.

Posted 06 October 2009 at 12:25 as a comment on Allies


That's the idea, but you have to many creatures, with a few of them not being very good at all.

Steppe Lynx shouldn't be in there, a 2/3 everytime you play a land, otherwise it's a 0/1. And it's always going to be a 0/1 on your opponents turn, same with the Geopede, it's always going to just be a 1/1. You'll most likely want to take those out and in place put some more removal like Volcanic Fallout, Path to Exile, or other burn cards. That way you can keep your opponents monsters off the field and dominate with yours.

Posted 04 October 2009 at 23:10 as a comment on Naya Zoo


That's the idea, but you have to many creatures, with a few of them not being very good at all.

Steppe Lynx shouldn't be in there, a 2/3 everytime you play a land, otherwise it's a 0/1. And it's always going to be a 0/

Posted 04 October 2009 at 23:09 as a comment on Naya Zoo


Might wanna look into Wake Thrasher, he can become quite the beast last on and with Merfolk Soverign, who doesn't love an unblockable 14/14 along with countless other merfolks? Also, you might wanna play removal, obviously it's not standered legal, try using Counterspells and some other spot removal to help you keep your creatures on the field and theres off of it.

I'd do something like this....

-4 Judge of Currents
-2 Tideshaper Mystic
-2 Streambed Aquitects
-4 Merrow Harbringer

+4 Counterspell

Then if you decide Wake Thrasher is worth it, (it totally is imo), then you'll want to take out Merrow Commerce

-2 Merrow Commerce

+4 Wake Thrasher
+4 Path to Exile
+2 Merrow Reejerey
+2 Sygg River Guide

Also, if your playing U/W, Glacial Fortresses might be a very good investment, same with Wanderwine Hub.

-4 Island
-4 Plains
+4 Wanderwine Hub
+4 Glacial Fortress

Chances are you'll always have a merfolk with Wanderwine, so you won't have to worry about that, and as for Glacial, it's good with Sygg.

You might also wanna look into these cards....

- Silvergil Adept, a 2/1 that costs 2 if you reveal a merfolk and lets you draw a card
- Stonybrook Bannette, who doesn't love cheaper merfolks?
- Sages Dousing, with Stonybrook, it costs as much as a Counterspell and played early on can act like one but lets you draw a card, I'd suggest Counterspells over it though

Posted 04 October 2009 at 19:29 as a comment on Saltwater Taffy?


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