its a great experimental deck, and if i think of anything i will let ya for him.... he was being a big asshat, just because he has all the money in the world and plays competitive more than likely with a large pool of cards for his trade/use, gives him no right to be so arrogant and have an ego.... and no prob on the +1, the site needs more people like you who stand of for people and not belittle them... kudos to you for sure
hey, thanks for the defend on that other guys deck... I gave ya a +1 for it... and I like the concept of this deck, though I am not sure on what to add too it as I am not to familiar with the new block at all
I really like the overall idea for this deck, very nice.... me personally this is what i'd do to it-2 Awaken the Ancient-4 Wild Guess (move to sideboard)+2 Mountain+4 Burning Earth (move to deck)for me the Burning Earth is more usable than the Awaken the Ancient just because everyone now has some kind of a dual land in their decks, preventing them or making it a hassle to use said lands will always be more useful than a 7/7 than can be chumped off with a 1/1.adding 2 more mountains brings up your mana curve a little so that you can get your Burning Earth out a little sooner.this is jsut my ideas tho and what id do in my current play area as I know most of the players in my area and what they tend to do.
personally I think you need to simplify this deck a little, its very muddled and has no real theme in it, and my best guess is that it plays very slow and very random..... you have vampires and worms and illusions and counters and burn..... maybe you need to focus on one or two of these themes and maybe trim it down to two colors instead of three.... I myself am not a fan of Nicol Bolas or having more than 2 planeswalkers in a deck, whether it be the same guy twice or 2 different ones.... I am not sure what current card pool is like or what you are accessible too as you stated you play this deck IRL. .... My best advice tho is too focus in on a theme and have a sub theme in the deck.... make sure your creatures can stand up to the spells you are going to play... for instance your slagstorm as it will affect your olivia and your images..... also make sure you have some removal as well... whether it be creature or emchantment or both..... and most of all make sure your deck isnt too predictable as far as theme or creatures.
as with any tribal deck like this it is always viable to have somekind of secondary theme in the deck, a well played extinction and maelstrom pulse will cripple you. my suggestion is this-4 Leechridden Swamp+4 Cabal Coffers-1 Marrow Gnawer-2 Relentless Rats+3 Ogre SlumlordThe Cabal Coffers will give you a (B) for each swamp you have in play which is a great way to play when you have 5 swamps and 2 coffers in play.By taking out one of the Marrow Gnawers and 2 of the Rats and replacing them with the Ogre, it will protect you against a tribal wipe card. And the Ogre will add to your rats by giving them all deathtouch, yes the Ogre is got a high cost, but the addition of the coffers here will speed up you deck here exponentially. again this is just my suggestions and the reasons I would do this, but at the end of the day it is your deck and you may have a diff view on where you want to go with it :)
An Ogre Slumlord would be a great addition, not only would your rats have deathtouch, but everytime another non-token creature dies, you get more rat tokens to boost your Swarm. My suggestion is: -3x Relentless Rats ( 12 I feel is more than enough) +2x Ogre Slumlord ( To give all your rats deathtouch) +1x Ultimate Price ( You can always use removal in a mono black deck)
great suggestions, but my purpose for making this deck is to all out rush at someone with the 'togs and have them continually chump off them..... and with the 2 blessings on the table each tog will get an auto +6/+6 anyways..... even with one blessing on the table that makes them all 3/4's and thats nothing to sneeze at for a bunch of 'togs
read the above comments as to the reasoning why glompse is not in this deck
doubling the amount of counters is in fact placing twice that many counters on each there for as to your comment a corpsejack mennace will indeed put twoce that many more again
for sure.... i play it in a couple of my own decks.... it does limit yourself to one spell as well... ,but when you have a control style game or a very aggro deck I find it is pretty useful :)
only problem with that is you have to take out the white green and blue
here is my Golgari Aggro Speed deck :)
Like I said, was just a suggestion :)... it is your deck at the end of the day
maybe a couple Rule of Law may help your cause a little here as far as controlling the game a little
This deck is becoming epicly awesome.why not turn this into a Commander style singleton deck based on this themeMaelstrom Archangel would make a great commander with her ability. :)
I like this deck, but I am unsure of your placement of Garruk. He seems so out of place in this deck and you are going for a ramp style and +1 counter deck. My suggestion is this, but all in all it is your creation :) -2 Garruck -4 Hindervines -2 Forest +2 Sliterhead +4 Sedge Scorpion +2 SwampMy reasonings for this is this will give you more Green devotion from the Sedge and Slither (+6) as they will stay in play. Hindervines would make a great card for your board in place of the Slitherhead. Also the Sedge Scorpion would give you another one drop with deathtouch.
everyone is different in that way i suppose
dream twist is a really underrated and overlooked card nowadays...... the flash back option gives you that mill from your graveyard and that's always a great option when you have no cards in your hand or if your opponent has forgotten about you playing it..... of if you have have had it milled out :)
nasty concept... I like it :)
i appreciate the suggestions, but this deck plays really well one on one... as its very speedy.... as far as the delusions, i actually cipher those to my stalkers for a quick hit unblockable 6 mill off the bat.... I have been playing since 94 and i am well aware of most cards that are out there.... as far as the mindcrank instead of the guildmage.... i prefer the creature over the artifact :)
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