thanks for the ideas, i will take them into consideration, I do need to build the SB.
I Play in a very competitive meta and if you don't win at all costs you wont win at all. Decks played against: 5 color hermit druid, Gave combo, Sharuum and Slivers.
Sword of the Meek, Thopter Foundry, and Time Sieve can get you infinite turns which is in the colors
Survival of the Fittest, living death combo i think would be a good add
Group hug, though I prefer group handshake, less touchy feely.
i am still working on it so after i play it some more maybe i will need to add that combo
Mind over Matter, Arcanis the Omnipotent, and Elixir of Immortality, do the same thing but add infinite life and mana
this is not an agro deck its a combo deck, with possible agro if i cant combo fast eanough
Well I'm glad you like it, its a basic primer you can recreate it with the cards you like.
you make a deck of all commons
sorry doing this on my phone meant standard
the SB is fairly stranded for Deathblade
Yes, 4 thoughtseize and dark confidant will kill me. Bob (dark confidant) never stays on the field longer than two turns as no matter how much life you loose the card advantage is to strong.
You sac the to Arcbound Ravager with Disciple of the Vault in play.
I need to add twenty cards, please post possible adds
Also good against TES, its a good idea, thanks.
I'm not worried about anything targeting my perminants, and if I need to i can just FoW it for just 1 life extra or Daze it.
Counterspell over FoW, why?
He was common in fifth dawn, the rules state that if a card was ever common then it is legal on pauper/pauper EDH.
This is pauper EDH, I have to choose an Uncommon to be my commander and the rest of the deck is commons.
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