What about Mox Opal helps with metalctraft and speed?
sol ring
Where is memnite? A free 1/1 will speed up your Metalcraft creatures.
What about Deranged Hermit?
take out Liliana Vess and Carnifex Demon and focus on Proliferating Everflowing Chalice that can put out all your artifacts faster. you can also add thrumming bird and Memnite for Tainted Strike and Grafted Exoskeleton to Proliferate and kill faster.
omg they remade the shade very nice
Phylactery lich is indestructible
Thank you for the suggestion, as to untamed might, I had looked at it during the build and I couldn't figure out what to pull. All the cards that are in here serve the purpose of the deck(to me).
I don't really think he fits in a deck all about speed, I think he will remove a better card from the deck and mess up the mana curve.
I added green for speed because I saw how slow it was running, then I added giant growth and groundswell to speed up the kill condition.
I left Skithiryx in because I can put him out turn 3 with BoP and harrow then giant growth and/or groundswell and its a win
Ball lightning is not in type 2 any more =(
i was just goofing around wondering if i should build a stasis that pecks people to death
this is legacy not vitage
How much what?
i play leyline of the void in the main deck or sideboard i would also remove every card the cost more the 4 mana except Nemesis of Reason
i use Grindstone Painter's Servant in my pure mill deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=66601
because pox kills everything but artifacts and the deck is designed to lose permanents it also provides black mana
i would play nether spirit over Bloodghast and phyrexian totem over Gatekeeper of Malakir
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