You have too many high mana creatures in here... the deck is going to move way too slow. I'd drop the planeswalkers completely, they're of no use. Replace Cultivate with hypergenesis to get the Blightsteel out easily, then down-size all your other infect creatures to be cheaper. That way you have a good rush deck with the heavy hitter still available. If you could comment on my 2 infect decks as well that'd be great, cheers :)
Inkmoth Nexus is good and probably worth adding if you can. You can probably also make this deck a lot faster - i'm not sure how useful the dragon is. Have a gander at my black infect deck if you want - it's pretty much just a much faster version of this one
Have a gander at my rats deck dude... all you need is Thrumming Stone, and it's game won
What am I removing to fit it in?
Distortion Strike gives me even better benefits than Unnatural Predation, and i'm hoping to either have that card or the Blighted agent in play before boosting attacks. Cause my mana curve is so insanely cheap I should be able to pump out a whole heaping helping of creatures in the meantime.
got rid of the unnatural predation for some groundswell... figured it's better to have groundswell and giant growth instead of one or the other
Not planning on keeping it standard as the group I play with use cards from pretty much any edition. Also not wanting to put in inkmoth at the mo now cause it limits my odds of drawing the colours I need (and i have plenty of creatures anyway) Tezz's Gambit is very cool and i'm still looking for a way to put it in, but at the mo it's getting hard to find a gap for it. Have now dropped the corrupted conscence for some Corrupted Resolve, which should help me early-mid game. Groundswell is really good but i never like adding it just cause it has less options - not nearly as useful if playing it in the opponents turn for one, or if I'm out of lands to play.
I know there is a green/black version, so there should be a blue/black as well i'd assume. Yeah i'm feeling a bit the same about the Corrupted Conscience, but i'm feeling if an opponent pulls out a big creature i should be able to stall long enough to use it... hmm no you're right it is utter toss... i'll swap it for a counter now
I've put in some Corrupted Conscience now which should count some way towards both countering (in a way), and also fueling my addiction towards creature madness :) plans now involve damage via Giant Growth + Distortion Strike/Blighted Agent combos, as well as the horde
4x Corrupted Conscience
Swapped out Stead Progress and a bunch of lands for Distortion Strike, Flooded Grove and Breeding Pool. Thinking about swapping out the Gambit for a large blue creature... might do that just now
Very good man, i'd swap out the Virulent wound for some vampire bite - that plus the distortion strike would make for a nasty combo! Also, Ichor Rats are awesome cause it's free poison damage
Yeah i'm thinking I have a bit too much mana. I can probably swap a heap out for inkmoth nexus, but it lowers my odds of being able to play creatures when I want. I have Tezzeret's Gambit, Steady Progress, and the Rot Wolf in there to make sure I draw plenty of cards - the idea is I want to have so many creatures in play that it's simply overwhelming to face. Thus I want my mana curve to be really low so that I can play 2-3 creatures a turn easily. Think i'll pop in some misty rainforest, inkmoths.. not sure what i'll do with the few few cards that'll generate though - maybe more creatures? or more drawing cards?
Hypergenesis is another good option you might want to look into
It won't "kill" the card, it just puts in on the bottom of your library.. you still draw a card a turn so the odds of picking up what you want then are still the same. With the stone you will have cycled through your deck of cards super fast and be back to the bottom where you can get your beloved stampede. Plus you're not obliged to use the thrumming stone every time you play a card - so you can choose when you need extra rats.
Increase the count of low costing creatures, like the stinger, so that you can have more creatures in play at any one time (the biggest threat to modular is losing all your creatures, and with them all your built up counters). Also get more Steel Overseer in there, those guys rock! Have a look at my modular deck if you have the time
Pretty cool. The only thing i'd be worried about is having your lands as artifacts, they are kindof at risk from any opponent artifact destruction. I have me a modular deck too! Give it a gander if you want
This is a very awesome modular deck! Very cool combos you have here! Mirrorweave is brutal! I'd replace the Arcbound Reclaimer with the Arcbound Stinger, cheaper & flying can cause some major problems to opponents. If you're wanting to bring some creatures back, Academy Ruins is an easier way to do so If you have the time, give my modular deck a gander if you can
Looking good man! I'd up the counts of your steel overseer, and any of your low-mana creatures. Not sure how useful everflowing chalice is for this deck either, Thoughtcast might be a better spend have a gander at my modular deck if you want
You need steel overseer dude! Also, your land is looking a bit low have a gander at my modular deck if you want
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