20 land is spot on, been working a treat for land. My main problem has come when playing the small creature aggro decks, and my temblors and verdicts have stayed in hiding. Don't forget the maze's ends. My personal favourite move is cahndra's copy ability on unexpected or obzedat's.
I haven't got tamiyo's and thought about putting Garruk in, but the 3 green makes me slightly hesitant. I agree about the gaze of granite, but that is the reason behind the boros charm numbers, which has worked well. Granite is also the ever needed token wiper more than anything else. If i have to take it to 3 and wipe my own sphere, I'm already in a lot of trouble. Will try and get a look at your deck.
I play slumbering dragon in a standard deck with call to the kindred. Not heard of any of the other cards but will look them up.
It would be nice but I only have 1 Armament Master and no bonesplitter.
unfortunately not
i have 4 vampire nocturnus3 carnifax demons2 blood gift demon4 blood artiststromkirk patrolbalustrade spychild of nighttribute to hungerdevour fleshgatekeeper of malakirbutcher of malakirliliana of the veilliliana of the dark realmsliliana vessurge to feedto name a few off the top of my head
One in sideboard, but it comes out surprisingly often. I did a lovely ral zarek ultimate (got 4 extra turns), then returned him straight to battlefield with aid, and he was fully loaded before the turns ran out.
do you mean cards, or decks?
This is very true, but I don't have them at the moment. My wife runs an all red goblin deck and tends to steal the best ones.
all my (ready for play) tagged ones are already made up, sitting on a shelf.
that's the way i read it
we have 1 coat of arms that keeps getting pulled into a variety of deck, currently living in a goblin deck
if only we had cavern of souls.
That looks pretty nicely balanced, can get a bit of quick aggro, with the strength to last to mid range
Liking the krasis bioshift idea. The funniest evolve i've seen is using kraken hatchling to pump up shambleshark to 5/4. If you're going to keep it to just 2 colour then I would replace Farseek with Bioshift.
It's a great start, but... I would bring down the biomancer and ooze flux to 2 of each. Maybe try and find space for a bioshift to work with bred for the hunt. A couple more evolve creatures would work well. Maybe Shambleshark for it's flash ability. You could combine advent of the wurm with populate to evolve. You're also missing a fathom mage or 2. (Fathom Mage/Undying/Ooze Flux is a fantastic combo)
I'm liking the mana curve and variation in the creatures. Drawn a few sample hands, and they seem to play nicely. Thinking that you could lose a mastiff, and add another falcon, with two more squires for the doomed traveller and a seraph, to give a nice early aggro feel. Try it on the deck here and see the sample hands.
the cards i have, i have made a load of decks with. I only have one liliana's caress, and it's in the 'painful loss' deck. I agree it would be good.
Just waiting for him to rotate out, and there will be space for 4.
I wish i could. I have tried spellbinder, which worked with invisimancer, but not often enough.
41-60 of 63 items