Hi, I like the use of red in this deck, I've gone similar in blue black ( http://www.mtgvault.com/steline/decks/criminal-theft/ ) and was thinking about putting red in for rakdos' return. Would that work in your deck to allow more use of waste not mana?
Hi, I like the use of red, I've gone for a similar idea in blue black, and was considering red to include rakdos' return. Just wondering if it would work in yours? It's nice way to use the mana from waste not, and gets double value out of reforge the soul
Not at all. More a 'nod' to the possibility. Inserting thraben doomsayer alongside the knight would give a similar result. Yes it's a 3 card combo, but given the plan to get the 2 card combo running, it gives another option. Plus he gives that extra creature for free each turn if the combo isn't running. His fateful hour trigger can rapidly turn a board around if he hits the field with it active.
In that case, surely lone rider (1/1 first strike/lifelink) is a good option. 3 Life gain on your turn and he's a 4/4/ trample lifegainer
Ditto. I'm putting decks up with help tag too.
only problem I see with the dragon, is the extra draw on play. Kinda shuts down prototype if it's 2 land. Definitely sideboard option though
2 thoughts here. Echoing truths and surgical extraction. Mill is ruined with the old eldrazi big boys, but surgical extraction removes then instantly without need for open mana. Echoing truths with 20 in the graveyard can ruin their options without triggering the same shuffle graveyard problem.As an alternate, then leyline of the void is a good option.
Looking at the land, could you fit contagion engine in here? Could help to reduce the attack against you, whilst increasing the mana available considerably in a turn or two.
I used sakura tribe scout, and skyshroud ranger with the bounce land (simic growth chamber) alongside coralhelm.Altar of the brood or hedron crab then gave infinite mill combo. Maybe including hedron crab in this as a 1 or 2 of could be a nice twist (even though he isn't human)Could always use thraben doomsayer to give infinite human tokens.
Grapple with the past is incredibly awesome. I played green blue emerge, using grapple, contingency plan and the new sigil one drop. Delerium very often by turn 3Runed servitor can be used well in this too, as it gives an early blocker, whilst also giving double delirium value in the graveyard.
Ok, so let's add help into tag lines for idea stimulation.Already done on a few of my decks.
I've now been adding the term 'Advice?' into my name line. I was thinking, if we start putting it as a Tag on decks, then we can find people who are looking for discussion on how to improve their ideas, as well as just liking decks we enjoy the build of. Any thoughts?
Have you thought about adding red for the new Hanweir garrison? It's a nice way of getting human tokens out, and can then merge with the land, which at the least can give sigarda haste when she hits the board.If you splash Blue and use 'invocation of Saint Traft' then you could get a nice little Angel token gang going on.
Nicely played
I've actually been playing around with grapple with the past. Really good way of ensuring mana fixing and getting back that all important creature they just killed, or getting me closer to the next creature at the worst. Best bit being it's doesn't discriminate on mana cost. Reckon it'll sub in when company rotates out.
Would Expedition envoy and lantern scout fit instead of thraben inspector and heron's grace champion?
I don't have any Jace, unfortunately, Sorin and Ajani give lifelink and then there's the vigilance for Ojutai. Not enough going into graveyard for digs, anticipate gives me a turn 2 play.
I've found any splash loses it's rythm. Granted, it's a kinda one-trick pony, but it seems to have the element of surprise to keep the trick valid. Plus it's 3 mana cost is out of the curve. I end up on 2 mana for a long time sometimes.
the herald is in case of board wiping. He generally stays in hand until later, unless they are running quick 1/1s. Toyed with Herald of dromoka, but he just couldn't oust any of the others from main board. Have now put my sideboard up
To thin land as quickly as possible. Lets me draw into creature or kill more frequently
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