i dont know why that is there twice but also you need the best card in a grixis deck. GRIXIS CHARM!
no one is going to read your huge explanation first of all. Most of these cards just plain suck ass such ass traumatic visions. infest is not as good as volcanic fallout and you should add 4 cryptic command. most of your creatures suck (im not going to list all of them because there are so many). Nicol bolas should be cruel ultimatum.
wtf? how does this deck win? sigil of the empty throne? esper charm alone beats this deck
just counterspell is not enough. You need to have cryptic command.
I am a little confused. Why would you try to build a deck that mills 60 cards than deal 20 damage. What is more easy to do? deal 20 or mill 60. needs some counters i think. But all in all its deff not a bad deck
have 4 capsul, 4 esper charm, 4 path, and 4 o ring then add your other bad shit.
omfg use more than 1 of each card.
also add like 4 flame javelin and volcanic fallout, you have no removal.
take out runes of the deus and deus of calamity. Add 2 more rosheen meanderer and more apocalyse hydra. its going to be easy to play 4th-5th turn with like 10 counters
...your deck is bad. it might even be worse than the maelstrom control deck i saw. like this is truly horrible. you should sell all the cards in this deck and that may make you enough money to buy the worst preconstructed deck ever made. It would be better than this.
cool combo, but what if i kill your painters servant?
i cant even begin to explain how terrible this deck is. first off, volcanic fallout kills your ability to play anything by killing bloom tender, birds, and hierarch. DREAM FRACTURE SUCKS ASS. PUT IN CRYPTIC COMMAND. add at least 2 more path to exile. No card draw at all means that you lose. just looking at this deck pisses me off because it is so bad.
i dont like it but maybe it is not terrible
jund charm sucks i hate to break it to you. add flame javelin deff add dusk urchins because that way you can get tokens then draw 3 cards. Idk why natulize is maindecked. lingering tomenter sucks... Add rendclaw trow instead although i dont think either are that good. have 4 firespounts and probably have 4 puncture blast.
only have 3 balefire liege. Have 3 if not 4 ajani vengeant. have 4 figure of destiny and take out Razia cause she sucks ass. if you want something with lifelink that is actually good then add a couple of exalted angels or battlegrace angel. im not a big fan of brightflame so add 4 flame javelin or if you want to just play casual add 4 lightning bolt. searing meditation SUCKS sunforger only allows you to search for lightning helix so just replace it with sword of fire and ice or loxodon warhammer. you need volcanic fallout sideboarded at least.
i guess.
interesting. take out angelic benediction. its a bad card.
lol wtf this is bad. First off, you need to not have 4 progenitus, its legendary. Second: You need to have something like couriers capsul or mulldifter for card advantage. third: You have litteraly no removal. Child of alara is not removal because YOU have no way of killing it and your opponent is not going to kill it uless they are retarded. Its easy to path to exile, celestial purge, condemn and bant charm. Forth: You have progenitus out. I play wrath of god. Your deck loses....
why have solarian when you could copy the shittiest creature a million times? No point to have a 7 drop that will do the same thing as a 1 drop mogg fanatic. BTW infinite combos are fucking retarded and require no skill whatsoever.
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