drop resounding thunder, and add flame javelin. Drop jund charm and add volcanic fallout. add birds of paradise. you dont need thoughseize or pithing needle. You should have 4 gruttle response sideboarded or 3 vexing shusher. Here is what i would do 3 cloudthresher 4 finks 3 shriekmaw 3 broodmate 3 colossus 3 garruk 4 volcanic fallout 3 flame javelin 4 rampant groth 4 fetile ground 2 primal command 2 violent ultimatum 22 lands 4 gruttle response 3 banefire 3 profane command 2 mindshatter 3 rosheen mender
no you suck cock kevin
wow stealthrat1! Your like the best thing since sliced bread!! Your decks rape and your awesome
are u easily amused with shiny things? cuz ur completely retarted
...just stop now
i feel really bad for you. You had to search for all those cards individually... Also because you have so many cards there is no way im going to look at all of them to figure out what the hell your deck does.
GOD BLESS!! god, stfu
dont get caught in a fight with volcanic fallout.
Seems ok
i have nothing to say about this piece of shit.
shadowfeed is not a rare, EVERYTHING cost a shit load of mana to play. Like at least 5 and you cant win with jace which is the only thing you can play until like 5-6th turn. Just because it rare does not mean that it is good. Ponder and courier's capsul are commons and they kick ass. Terror is common, path to exile is uncommon, mulldrifters is a common. Sorry to say this but this deck is....very bad.
ewww!!! take out cancel and put in cryptic command
also how do you win? you have no win condition that i can see.
you should take out mana leak and blazing archon and add at least 4 path to exile if not that and a couple of other removal cards.
you need to not cheat and have 6 flood plains and also you need to add removal such as path to exile and condemn because while your counter craziness is good but once shit hits the field you cant deal with it.
to many cards that cost 4 or more mana
if a deck based on a name is seriously going to work ill be highly suprised.
add more garruk and take out overrun, take out elvish promenade and put in hunting triad, and yeah, take out coat of arms and put in door of destinies or just put in wilt leaf liege cause its fucking sweet.
haha ok
i win at everything
21-40 of 132 items