Since you have no equipments, Sunsoear Shikari isn't needed.
lol i was like "oh hey this deck has a lot of comments! maybe they're insightful tips that could help me better my deckbuilding!"WRONG
True, I never really though of that.
You should throw some Traumatizes in there.
You should splash in some black and play a couple of sanguine bonds
Why the Lodestone Golem?
Your commander has to be a legendary creature. I would suggest using Xenagos, God of Revels for this deck.
i took it out and out in thoughtseize for early game control
any suggestions for a replacement?
alright. thank you
even though it's hybrid with black?
the infinite combo with exquisite blood and sanguine bond would work well
really good combo: phenax + consuming abberation
what should i take out?
Since there's no humans, Angelic Overseer is really vulnerable. I would suggest either taking her out or adding humans. If it were me, I would take her out, and replace her with something powerful with, per se, an Avacyn?
Considering both, most likely the malcontents.
Green white has been doing really good lately, especially while working with humans. I would suggest an angel of glory s rise
I find dragons to be one of the most interesting and fun decks to play and this really fulfills the reqs of being a nice deck. It seems it runs very well.
The deck definitely needs some help so comments are requested.
Switch out the reckless villagers for hunts masters of the fells they are much better
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