Havengul lich only works if your playing the same colors as your opponent because you still have to pay the mana cost. Add at least a couple grave crawlers to come back after you sac them to grimgrin, plus that's also a good combo when paired with diregraf captain
This is the first time I have known about lich lord of unx, and I have to say I am regretting abandoning my zombie deck. Perhaps I will rebuild it. I like the deck itself and it seems very interesting.
It depends in which route you want to take. If you want to go the expensive route definitely max out on the cavern of souls and falkenrath aristocrat. You could go in the other direction and just go for casual play with just basic stuff like what you have now. This would be nice just for say stomping your cousin at his house in a casual game. Expensive is more for competitive play.
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