Interesting deck, rough mana curve though. Have you playtested this?
You didn't really look at the deck, did you? :p
That wasn't my point :-)
Relax dude. The subject and tags aren't really confusing, if you don't wanna see stuff like this, then don't look. It's not like this is spam either. Besides, technically this is a vintage legal deck :D
Awesomeness! Great compilation!
I think the Horseman of War is the most difficult to portray, especially in MTG terms :-) Especially since War actually encompasses the other 3 aspects of the Apocalypse as well. I do like this deck however, it does seem very efficient! I like the way it uses soldiers and equipment, but also life-link. Because if you go for an all-out attack it's not war, its a suicide attack. Since strategy is an essential aspect of war, I think the deck is very well themed!Perhaps some siege engines would be fitting as well :-) I'm a huge fan of Lobbing Crew, but it runs best in Multiplayer and with more multicolored cards so it wouldn't be that fitting here.
To be honest, it seems overly complex and prone to be overrun by many other types of decks. I've built a similar deck, but focused totally on limiting their mana supply, unless they get damage, combined with some active damage dealing as well, perhaps you can steal some ideas from it?
This is freaking awesome :D I'm a huge Alien fan, I just might make this deck too :D
I think it's a habit of every gamer to look for weak spots in every strategy that looks pretty killer, so all these comments probably mean your deck is rather killer :-) I'm interested in playtest results of this deck!
That's a pretty brutal deck, you basically kill yourself :-) No suggestions from me, keep it! :-)
Yeah, that's why I hesitated to post :-) You've clearly selected your artifacts on cheap CMC or equip cost, which isn't a bad idea! Artifacts can slow you down otherwise.
Yup, that's what I said. Needs more creatures!
Fun looking deck :-) No Gorgon's Head? :-) That would make it even more brutal!
Fun-looking deck. I love me some Armadillo Cloak! It's a bit low on creatures though, and perhaps some card draw would be sweet as well... If you only draw 1 creature and he's buffed out to the max but with no hexproof, one removal and it's game over. Which would be a shame with such an awesomeness deck :-)
Fun-lookin' deck! Love the Lobber Crew, it works brilliantly with cheap multicolored spells :-)
Cool deck! Especially since it's standard legal! I like Stab Wound a lot :-) I'm stealing that for my "Let's not make friends today" deck :-)
Well I added Excoriate, and it is a devastating combo with all the tapping :D I played it yesterday in multiplayer and did very well! Untill some dude destroyed all creatures... but still :-) It's a fun deck!
Cool deck idea! Very risky to have only 1 win-con, but who dares, wins! :D Perhaps Bile Blight is an idea to add? Instant speed -3/-3 for 2 mana, to each creature with the same name. Massively destructive against tokens! Just a thought :-)
Awesome deck :-) I didn't even know the prowl mechanic. Are there any more creatures that have it?
Sweet deck! I think this can ramp up pretty quickly. I like the combo on Gyre Sage with the counters and the mana!I was thinking of maybe leaving out 1 Wayfaring Temple and putting in 1 extra Courser of Kruphix? I find that card important enough to have it in there 4 times. You'll need the lands, and the lifegain helps you out slightly against aggro in the meantime, while you build up your army. Just a thought though :-)
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