Wow, awesome deck and super cool theme! Good job!!!
I only agree with you on the Vendetta part :-) I use it because it's a fun and cheap card, but you're right, I need Ultimate Price in there.Lord of the Undead is a zombie. They changed the lords after a while from type "Lord" to whatever they're boosting, except they're not boosting "all" but "all other" creatures. It's used in that respect as well, so Call to the Grave has no effect on him. I don't like to use Gray Merchant in this deck because he's overpowered and not in the theme of this deck, which is spawning as many zombies as fast as possible. And it does that freakin' well! The dark rituals help cast Endless Ranks or Call to the Grave faster, which can turn the tide very quickly! The Festering Goblins are there as a turn 1 zombie, because, again, I need as many zombies as possible in the game. It seems weird, I know, but it works ridiculously well. :-) So thanks for the ideas, but I'll only use the Ultimate Price suggestion.
Sweet, I got some Lord of the Undead's in a great trade, put 1 extra in, in place of Bubbling Muck, and have on more left. Not sure what to replace it for though, since the deck's running fantastically the way it is now.
Thran Turbine seems very helpful at first, however you completely lose your instant speed rebel searching and slow your deck down by a lot. I tried my Rebel deck a lot with Thran Turbine, but it works very counterproductive unfortunately. Searching for rebels in response to what's happening is far more valuable.
It is! The trick is to search in response to whatever's attacking and lay down whatever it is you need: flying, first strike, pro-red or pro-black, lifelink,... Loads of stuff to choose from! I've got my own Rebel deck, also using Illusionist's Bracers (crazy with Lin Sivvi!) and some cards ensuring an unblockable vigilance lifelink mass attack :-) Very fun!
No ramosian Sergeant? :-) My very first complete deck was a Rebel deck. I've been using and modifying it ever since! Right now I'm using an all-rebel deck with Illusionist's Bracers. When used on Lin Sivvi, I can search for 2 rebels each turn, or put 2 from my graveyard in my library. It's pretty insane :-) Rebels are awesomeness!
Ye but Blistergrub is 3 cmc, you barely have any 1 cmc creatures; that slows you down as well. Personally, I wouldn't be stopped by 2 life loss from tapping a land. Contaminated ground is nice, but best used in a dedicated deck. I've got one built totally around mana poisoning, and it's a winner deck!Just my thoughts :-)
Looks brilliant! even the "filler" and devotion adding creatures are pretty sweet :-) I'm just not sure about the River Boa.
Fun deck, nice combination of red & green for infect! You should switch to blue & green though, like you mentioned :-) The unblockable makes your attack so relaxed, there's nothing standing in your way. Check out my U/G infect deck for ideas if you want to. Apostle's Blessing is a great card to have. Also my deck is much cheaper, which is also a plus. And it works like a charm évery time. Last time we had a multiplayer match with 6, 3 vs 3 (emperor vs emperor), I managed to take out the bodyguard and emperor in no time. Easy as pie! :D
That's funny. A little while back I was working (pretty hard) on an Aztec concept deck, with sacrifice as a main aspect. I was trying to make it historically accurate though: no steel/iron weapons, no fantasy creatures, little to no magic; lots of traps, sacrifice, snakes, eagles, jaguars, stone buildings, obsidian weapons, ...I eventually gave up because MTG simply doesn't have enough adequate cards. Anywho, onto this deck! I'd ditch the Contaminated Ground for 2 more sacrificable creatures, perhaps low CMC ones, Festering Goblin or Newt or whatever, anything your opponent doesn't want to see die. I love Act of Treason in this deck! Steal a creature, then either sacrifice it or use it to wreak havoc. Nice :-)
Original deck, I like it!
Except Magnify and Vitalize, those don't target your creatures, so it doesn't trigger the Heroic ability.
Yeah, Overgrowth is a tough one, I agree. I use it in my mana ramp deck together with WIld Growth and Voyaging Satyr, you can get a sick amount of mana that way around turn 4 :-) But it takes up a lot of card space and cmc if mana ramp isn't your main drive.I'm interested in the playtests for this deck, I really like the idea, and you've got some good cards in there!
Heh, we used to play Magic in our street with some kids, all between 6 and 12 years old or so, back in the mid/late nineties. We barely understood the cards (especially the little ones, tough tittie for them), and didnt know much about the stack and stuff. Basically we just played cards and spells and creatures, untill at some point, we did an all out attack. That's it. I usually always won with my Jolrael, Empress of Beasts and Overrun combo :p Fun times though!
Brilliant :D Pity Ivy Seer takes 4 turns to cast, and you can only activate his ability at the 5th turn... Perhaps speeding this up could help. I'm a fan of Wild Growth or Overgrowth or the likes, those could help. Perhaps in place of some of the higher CMC creatures that need to be blocked by all opponent's creatures?
Well, I don't know about that. They seem rather solitary, don't they? Something that reflects their rage would be nice. Bloodthirst for example would fit nice!
They do, don't they? :-) There should be more of them! :D
This is exactly what I had in mind! That one elf won't make that much of a difference to the theme :-) I'm only missing Gluttonous Cyclops though, but only because he's got such great art :D *munchmunchmunch*Awesome deck! I might make this one and surprise the gang with it :D
Groovy deck! Awesome use of the graveyard!Northy, want a challenge? :D How about a Cyclops tribal deck? Perhaps assisted slightly by Satyrs, and loads of humor :D Because they have awesome art and flavor text :-) ànd it gives people an excuse to use Eye Gouge :p
You get a like just for the deck name :-)
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