What is this I dont even
Thrumming stone, bro.
You can't have anything with a blue mana symbol in your deck.
instead of counter spells run mana leak. And drop steady progress for dark favors or mutagenic growth. And drop grim affliction for ichor rats. If you're playing it agro you need a lot of creatures.
Too slow. In every way. If you're playing infect your win condition should be a 3 or 4 drop. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=299371 If you want to try Infected control.
All you have to add for lingering souls is A) Drowned Catabombs or B) Isolated chapels and 1 or 2 Evolving wilds.
I like inkmoths in tempered steel. It's mainly colorless mana and they get the bonus from tempered steel itself.
You need a different one drop not enough zombies for him to be worth it. And when you take him out you need to take out ghoulraiser obviously. Mirran crusader could be a good 3 drop.
I'd say midnight haunting over the Collars and you should put Invisible stalkers in just in case you aren't able to keep the board clear.
http://www.mtgdeckbuilder.net/Decks/ViewDeck/384211 This is what I came up with. Let me know what you think.
I love this deck. I never thought of making a white black life gain, but after seeing this i'm all ready working on an EDH BW Life gain, kudos.
Hedron crab
Need draw to find your Rooftop. Since it doesn't matter if gravecrawler if in the grave Forbiden alchemy
Need cancel, day of judgement, oblivion rings, arrests. Less creatures. Delver of secrets and a 6 drop win condition like Wurmcoil engine
The colors. Red blue green.
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=269865 Red White Metalcraft
Just put a palladium myr it. 3 play to and taps for 2 colorless. Otherwise it's a good idea. I like the deck.
Wall of denial can't be enchanted with Psionic Gift. You can't target creature with shroud. With anything friendly or enemy
Proliferate infect sucks to be honest. You have to get to 15 infect rather than 10 infect is meant to be fast by making it proliferate you slow it down a shit ton. Low cost creatures + low cost buffs = Instant win.
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