Sun blast angel. That's all I have to say. And Pristine Talismans instead of spheres. They're more relevant in the long term.
The version of the deck I play abuses the interaction of mass tokens and Goldnight. It gets out of control press quick hero + Goldnight = +3/+2 If you wanna look at it.
The blue sun's help me dig through this deck so quickly. When you're looking for your white sun to put the killing blow in it's great. I've on multiple occasions just drawn a fresh new hand off of them. The thing about this deck is that is stalls so long that X cost cards are amazing in it.
Take out gut shots for shocks and take out furnace scamps for Goblin fireslingers.
There is no need for the Diregraf captain. As for shuffling your graveyard back you could use elixir of immortality.
With Venser is can get out of hand every time you bounce it you'd get the two tokens to block with and it's a more aggressive route than a Sun Titan. In my opinion Geist would be a stronger win condition and a great answer to the decks pack full of fliers. I would run the sun titan in sideboard and swap the geist out when you need to be bringing things back. Sun titan would help more against a wolf run deck back with artifact/Enchantment hate, but otherwise I think geist would be a better choice. If left alone too long Geist can get out of hand very easier. Two or three bounces and it's gonna be threatening.
You;d be playing it as a 6 drop so you can be playing something when they're dropping a titan. It gives you blockers and power. And flying is very relevant in the current meta.
I would remove Druidic Satchel for a geist-honored monk. If you don't need to be bouncing stonehorn then you keep bouncing her for tokens and go aggressive.
This is similar to a deck a made. Check it out.
Increasing vengence
Crusader would be damaged by slagstorm. Something with protection does not apply to global affects. A pro white creature is affected by day of judgement and pro black creature is affect by Black sun. Protection is it being targeted.
You should put flings in the the side board. If you see you're playing something like wolf run what better than to act of treason their Primeval and then fling it at them.
I built this deck for my friend and he placed 9th in a Super IQ Just my take on hellrider tokens
Lands also need to be dropped down 33 is way too many.
-4 Necrotic oozes for +2 Coat of arms and +2 doubling chant Check it
Wouldn't work. Ghosts can't get laid.
21-40 of 65 items