
107 Decks, 176 Comments, 11 Reputation

look's fine. Looks pretty standard as far as red sligh/burn goes. Although if you wanted to do the real sligh curve you'd probably have to drop a few three mana spells (like ball lightning) for one drops (like goblin bushwhacker)

Posted 08 May 2010 at 18:07 as a comment on red deck might win


I disagree about the selective memories since there's nothing in my deck I'd want to exile just to hit my lands. Echo Mage isn't bad though. The Sadistic Sacraments are pretty much a shoe in because of polymorph decks and the other eldrazi titans making my primary win conditions otherwise impossible.

Posted 08 May 2010 at 17:22 in reply to #64793 on Competitive Mill


I tend to agree that you can probably afford less creatures in general. Looking at the versions of this type of deck running around on the pro tour (which only run two creatures period) what polymorph does is it allows you to run with Way more control cards, more planeswalkers etc. I'd toss out the spawnsire, predators, elves, observers, clones, and even the Ulamog's in exchange for cards like Negate, Spreading Sea's, unsummons, perhaps land acceleration (so you have the mana base for a counter on the same turn that you cast polymorph), See Beyond (in case you draw one of your emrakul's) also, like any other combo deck involving blue Halimar Depths is totally nifty.

Posted 08 May 2010 at 13:07 as a comment on Polymorphing Plants?!


Wouldn't Oblivion Ring be a stronger choice for the sideboard over Journey to Nowhere for anti planeswalker utility?

Or is this block constructed?

Posted 06 May 2010 at 22:54 as a comment on Bushwhacker Revised


Walking Atlas is colorless. There's a popular combo in standard right now involving the Knight of the White orchid and path to exile. (knight comes into play find a plains, path the knight find another land.)

Additionally there's also everflowing chalice.

Posted 06 May 2010 at 21:39 as a comment on Milled Through Time


....He wasn't being sarcastic. traumatize is ten kinds of terrible. All your other milling effects are cheap enough that you'll have easily milled over half his deck by the time you can even Cast traumatize. Then what happens....You cast Glimpse the Unthinkable for five mana.

What I love about mill decks is when the person milling my explosive revelation deck finally hits my copy of Emrakul the Aeons Torn. And then I happily put my entire graveyard back into my library.

Essentially you need some targeted library exile. Sadistic Sacrament is the textbook card in such a case (even matches up with dark ritual on turn one) in order to pull any of the mythic eldrazi titans out of your opponents deck. I can guarantee they'll be in plenty of casual decks.

Posted 06 May 2010 at 21:34 in reply to #64641 on Unthinkable Millasluice


Treasure Hunt would probably serve you better than Divination. It's cheaper, and it will draw straight through any land clumps you may have. Simultaneously fixes mana screw and thins out the deck for two mana.

Posted 06 May 2010 at 21:28 as a comment on UWR spread. help


Quest for the Gemblades has obvious interaction with the Warcaller.

Oddly enough I can foresee one problem with this deck. Chump blockers. None of your elves can trample or have any evasion at all, yes you do have path to exile and oblivion ring but something like Overrun would go a long way to making sure that you aren't defeated by something as simple as eldrazi spawn or plant tokens.

Posted 01 May 2010 at 14:42 as a comment on G/W Warcaller Elves


Fireball is in there because the flamekin are all about fire. It's....not really any more complicated a decision than that. I'm sure Banefire would be a more competitive burn spell but flavor wise that card is Dragon fire, not elemental fire.

Posted 01 May 2010 at 02:30 in reply to #63767 on The Anvil of Fury


I've run a mill deck with dralnu. It didn't work out so well because i rarely had permanents I actually wanted to sacrifice. I think perhaps it'd work out better with a card like Gomazoa or Guard Gomazoa instead of him.

Posted 01 May 2010 at 02:27 as a comment on Wizarding Replicate


Staying in colorless, the only possible idea I can think of would be Expedition Map since it doesn't specify basic lands. Also, the cloudpost's will outscale the urzatron any time. Actually, at a certain point this deck starts getting more mana than it knows what to do with which is why I put in the claws of gix/crucible lifegain combo.

Posted 01 May 2010 at 01:04 in reply to #63741 on Urza's Eldrazipost


partially correct. In tournament play however it Is limited to your sideboard.

Posted 30 April 2010 at 12:39 in reply to #63685 on Uber Elf-drazi


put in sadistic sacrament. You'll need it to get rid of the mythic eldrazi titans that would otherwise make your milling strategy utterly pointless.

take out traumatize. You don't need it. By the time you can cast the keening stone the likelihood is that you'll already have milled half their deck anyways.

Also, Mind Funeral is too cool for school. I'm not sure why your splashing white just for wall of denial when you could far more easily make up a black splash (especially since your already running memory sluice).

Posted 29 April 2010 at 18:01 as a comment on A Keening Traumatize


nonetheless with banefire somewhere in your deck even if you only perform the combo thirty odd times its still a kill.

Posted 27 April 2010 at 21:08 in reply to #63307 on infinite MANA


imagine this.

Turn one island, hedron crab.
Turn two, terramorphic expanse (mill three), tap blue to enchant the terramorphic expanse into a zendikon. Sack the terramorphic expanse. Because of the zendikon enchantment it goes to your hand instead of your graveyard (mill three).
Turn three terramorphic expanse (mill three), sack the expanse (mill three) You now have mana for anything from deprive to doom blade and have triggered landfall four times, using the same copy of terramorphic expanse. This is good because it filters mana out of your deck faster, mills faster, and effectively uses less cards to do so. In other words; you have card advantage.

Posted 27 April 2010 at 21:01 as a comment on Terrible Terramorphic Crab


Well. You do have a lot of cards, mostly this is a problem because if you run that many cards you'd have to run more mana in order to mathematically play your land drops, at the same time you aren't drawing the cards your necessarily looking for with any regularity.

so,my suggestions would be -4 gauntlet of might, -3 wall of stone, -4 chain reaction, -4 rite of flame, -4 seething song, -1 kazuul,

I don't think you really need all that mana acceleration, frankly your other spells aren't That expensive, and you aren't running any storm or "X" spells like fireball.

Posted 27 April 2010 at 16:31 as a comment on My Red Deck, Original i think. need help


consider the zendikons. Enchanting a terraphorphic expanse equivalent with a zendikon means that sacrificing it will make the card resolve into your hand so that's effectively four landfall triggers off the one copy of the card.

Posted 25 April 2010 at 19:23 as a comment on Terrible Terramorphic Crab


You know, I can see the appeal of this type of deck. Really I do. I think that your going to run into problems though.

For the first, you have no way of creating eldrazi spawn and thus your only way of getting out the eldrazi without hard casting them is through the elvish piper. That's a problem because your projecting. If you play an elvish piper there's no real guess what you are going to do next turn, in other words since the piper doesn't have haste and I can almost guarantee that people are running removal in their decks (deathmark and vendetta for example) you won't ever get the Eldrazi into play and your early game becomes nonexistant. Sure if you can manage to sink out enough mana to hard cast the eldrazi they'll end the game really quick, but chances are you'll already be dead.

Posted 25 April 2010 at 13:22 as a comment on Elvish Piper - Eldrazi


You could probably make a pretty coherent madness theme out of this deck to take advantage of Avatar of discord. Cards like fiery temper and call to the netherworld come to mind.

Posted 25 April 2010 at 00:36 as a comment on Demigod+Rakdos=Pain


consider working in Raid Barrage. Worked wonders for me at the prerelease.

Posted 23 April 2010 at 12:23 as a comment on Goblin Rampage


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