
107 Decks, 176 Comments, 11 Reputation

in your deck honor of the pure will be strictly better than armored ascension likely.

Posted 28 February 2011 at 23:31 as a comment on T2 White Knights


I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume its a typo, but did you really want 33 swamps in your deck. That seems awfully high?

Posted 20 February 2011 at 00:21 as a comment on Liliana's Embrace


I'll second that I don't think you're going to get very much milage out of tainted strike.

Vampire's Bite on the other hand is more or less a giant growth and will assuredly contribute to a faster kill.
I'm also a huge fan of the phyrexian vatmother, but am unsure just what you would be able to drop in order to use it.

Posted 19 February 2011 at 12:32 as a comment on Game Day- U/B Aggro Infect Deck


I'm honestly surprised no one mentioned Worldgorger Dragon. Are infinite mana combo's just too obvious?

Posted 16 February 2011 at 13:11 as a comment on 100th Deck Celebration


You are running at cross purposes. You Want to be playing as many spells as possible when you have a Kiln Fiend out, not leaving mana untapped in order to play a counter spell.

You point out yourself that the deck doesn't work if you don't draw a Kiln Fiend. So my suggestion would be to drop the counter spells for more deck manipulation (remember, those deck drawing cards still pump the fiend). In the version that I run, I use Flamekin Harbinger, and Brainstorm. Moreover I also use direct pump spells because you gain extra mileage out of them. Try Brute Force, or even better Reckless Charge.

Posted 08 February 2011 at 09:56 as a comment on Killer Kiln Fiend


I have a deck like this. The difference is. It's an EDH deck with Jolrael empress of beasts. Using land fetch spells to help thin the deck and make it more likely to draw your lieges of the tangle is a good thing. While it is possible that you could aggressively mulligan down to like two cards (just the oracle and the fastbond) that's still an unlikely scenario. At the very least you should run lifegift, so that the unlikely scenario of Fastbond killing you doesn't occur.

Posted 07 February 2011 at 12:05 as a comment on 40 Forests


My suggestion would be to drop a few of the discard spells. for example. You don't need 2 inquisition of kozilek when you can just run four duress. In such a combo deck I think I'd also want to run that fourth ponder as well.

The standard tournament version of this deck does unfortunately add money to the deck. By running copies of Lions Eye Diamond and infernal tutor. You play however many mana rituals and zero drops as you can in your hand before popping the diamond with infernal tutors ability on the stack to go hellbent, find ad nauseum, draw cards like the wind and then tendrils to win.

Then again the version of this deck that's been running around is also black/red, not black/blue. In order to take advantage of the red mana rituals (desperate ritual, rite of flame, seething song, inner fire, pyretic ritual, manamorphose etc). And the red storm cards (ignite memories, grapeshot, empty the warrens).

The version of the deck that I have runs the card Null Profusion. When I play a spell, I draw a card.

Posted 06 February 2011 at 17:13 as a comment on Tendrils of Nauseum (please help)


its a concept called deck thinning. Each verdant catacombs in his hand is effectively another swamp out of his deck giving him a tiny, tiny advantage on whether he draws a land or a threat.

Its a small advantage, but every little bit counts.

Posted 24 December 2010 at 15:39 as a comment on Bloodbath


so sideboard in grasp of darkness instead of doom blade. I'd replace a couple of your two drops with one drops instead to give you something to do on your first turn.

Posted 23 December 2010 at 02:02 as a comment on Can you destory this deck


had you considered cloudstone curio?

Posted 22 November 2010 at 23:45 as a comment on Infinite Landfall


Well. This may sound harsh. But I think you're kind of at cross purposes with this deck.

You have two disparate themes here. Card draw+counter, and cheap creatures with burn. The counters specifically are going to be hard to play because you will rarely have any free mana. And that mana saved for mana leak is a preordain and a lighting bolt that could have interacted with your opponents face.

I'd suggest dropping the cancel's, mana leaks, and spell pierces for more card drawing (see beyond etc) and another two memnites

Posted 17 November 2010 at 16:02 as a comment on Burn/Counter, Please Comment.


since your in legacy and vintage you could probably manage this on turn one.

something like land, simian spirit guidex3, kiln fiend, reckless charge, tainted strike/assault strobe=attack for 20 life or 10 poison.

There's a lot of mana accel in legacy

Posted 09 November 2010 at 20:22 as a comment on Turn 2 Infect Win


I've played against quite a few versions of this deck and my take is that it can feel underwhelming when you have a hand of a few myr with no galvanizers in sight, let alone a fireball.

The most successful versions I've seen were typically red/blue. Running cards such as preordain and riddlesmith in order to cycle through their deck and dig for the combo. This is especially important in a match betwen similar decks as it really becomes a race to see who can go infinite the fastest.

Posted 03 November 2010 at 13:21 as a comment on Infinite Myrs


Ok, so, Fluffstar, the enthusiasm is appreciated, but lay off the sugar, or the capslock key, mmk?

I think I've gotten creature damage down pat, the Problem I'm having with this deck is versus creatureless control decks. For example, say I'm playing a Pyromancer Ascension deck (as I sometimes do) then the turn may go something like this.

"Tap two, kiln fiend"
in response Lightning Bolt,
"hmm, ok, Brute Force!"

That's the sort of problems I'm more worried about. A 1/3 and a 1/2 are hardly Robust.

Posted 15 October 2010 at 13:15 as a comment on Chronarch Assault


good catch. That's a typo, I only run 1 dread return, and three street wraith's.

Posted 12 October 2010 at 14:52 in reply to #92197 on Doomghoul


The combo for infinite mana is reliable. And pretty easy to assemble. However I've got some suggestions for you. Drop the foresee's and see beyond in favor of Riddlesmith, and Semblance Anvil. This means all your mana producing myr will be free to cast. And any time you cast one you draw a card.

This is important because it gives you options (and a ridiculous amount of card advantage). And it helps dig through the deck for your fireball or comet storm or whatever else is your finisher.

Posted 03 October 2010 at 16:40 as a comment on ryujin jakka


Ok, so. I'm open to suggestions. I can without a doubt tell everyone that I can make a turn two kill deck.

The catch is I need at least 2 mana on turn one which is easier said than done in a standard legal deck.

Posted 27 September 2010 at 22:07 as a comment on Standard Godhand


Azorius Firstwing comes to mind. So does Phantatog.

If you do start running with Aura's then Evershrike is worth it. It's like an aura gnarlid that reanimates itself. And flies.

Posted 27 September 2010 at 19:46 in reply to #89090 on Enchantment deck


*blink* hmm, so it is.

Posted 27 September 2010 at 14:56 as a comment on Standard Godhand


So, the plan here is to get as many enchantments as you can into your graveyard to pump Cantivore right?

Well, to me this feels like you are creating a lot of card disadvantage. Because the extra cards you draw from mesa enchantress are effectively negated by you in turn killing off your own enchantments.

Now you do have something interesting going on with enchanted evening I'd like to point out. If all of your permanents are enchantments, than that means you have a charming interaction with a card like say....Open the Vaults.
Imagine for a second you cast something like Day of Judgement and than reanimate every "enchantment" in your graveyard. Creatures, auras, whatever would all come back out. That is a Massive advantage. In this way you could actually fill your deck with more useful cards.
You are running 21 enchantment destroy cards, which is great when enchanted evening is out. But not really so hot when you don't.

Posted 26 September 2010 at 13:14 as a comment on Enchantment deck


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