i'd add some Go For the Throats and Dismembers in the sideboad to switch for the doom blades when necessary, but otherwise i kinda like it.
may i suggest some phyrexian crusaders? in my opinion thats 1 of the best infect creatures
nothing to say about this deck it's simply awesome and erally well constructed too bad i don't like playing infect though, otherwise i'd go with this right away
i had some moan of the unhallowed there, just to fill it up, but i don't really use them, so i dont know what to add in sideboard a fun thing would be some blue mana and 2 leviations, that way, if a player comes with a flying dec, you can counter with our own flying deck
any time m8 the sieboard looks quite powerfull now, a lot of creature removal options :) the army is a good last option card to have there, it'll really make a diffirence in some cases
i didn't use it a lot, since the amulet kinda avoided the need for it to ge t creatures with sheoldred the only time i did use it, was to get rid of excess cards. i'd use creature removal and keep 2 in sideboard
neither is it needed, when i playtested the deck, the enemy was usually overrun by zombies, so i didn't have to bother about buffing them up. and they also had cemetery reapers to give te the power they needed.
i'd personally get rid of the tribute to hungers and add more ghoulcallers chants. a powerful zombie to add is geth, lord of the vault. in your sideboard you could have doomblades or other cards to power up the deck, since you can still face artifact decks, which will render your Go for the Throats useless. possible add some more memoricides, since they're really powerful. i'd move the memoricide in the deck to the sideboard as it's safer to just wait and see in the first game. tbh i'd take 4 skinrenders and 4 ghoulraisers, they're both really strong zombie cards to have there, while walking corpse is a bit lacking. since you're only playing with zombies, i'd certainly suggest adding Call to the Grave for much needed removal if you don't want more skinrenders, memoricides, or other removal spells. this allows you to take out enemy creatures without having to worry about your own zombies
the reaper was the main addition to the deck for me, but it didn't always work as i wanted i also used 4 zombie infestations cause i with 2, i hardly drew any to discard creatures for sheoldred. the additional ones did help a bit. the deck played out quite well, i had 3 out of 5 wins. the only times i lost was against a counter deck and a very quick human deck. so the dck still loses against really cheap human decks with a little control. the main reason it lost against the counter deck, was the fact the guy combined it with black for distress and discard effects. he sa my sholdred and grave titan so he could perfectly counter every powerful creature i had. i wouldn't use the combo, since you can't use the mimic vat in between turns. you can only use it in your oponnents turn (or your ofcourse, it's explained under this), which means you have to sac it at the end of your turn. on the other hand, if you play it in your upkeep, the sacrificing comes before you can trigger your mimic vat. which means you'l probably be ending up saccing your sheoldred. i wouldn't bother using it, rather take some more creature removal, it would be safer, or use a reaper combined with an altar's reap in case your oponnent runs out of creatures.
i tested the deck, but with some personal alterations,snce i'm still missing an unbreathing horde. i kept a reaper of the abyss in my deck. it helped a lot against high creature decks where i noticed a sheoldred wasn't enouth to take them out. sheoldred + the reaper took out a W/G spirit token deck without any trouble, but failed against low-creature decks. so i'd say, keep 1-2 in sideboard for the other token decks, but don't maindeck them. i'd also suggest some doom blade/go for the throats as creature removal, since sheoldred, although powerful isn't always enough, where both sheoldred + reaper is too powerfull. i'd only add them in sideboard though. the amulet was the perfect option, i tested both semblance anvil and quicksilver amulet, just as you requested. although the anvil works, it's not nearly s good as the amulet, i als came to a point where i had to sac either a sheoldred or a grave titan, only to get the other 2 mana cheaper. the amulet on the other hand, improved the deck a lot, tur 5 i often had a grave titan or a sheoldred, whereafter most people decided to give up the deck also plays a lot faster then expected, which is positive, i also tested the original deck, to see te diffirence, but it was a total fail. this deck has a lot of potential and after a little fine-tuning could become awesome. as it stands, it's a fun and quicker then most zombie decks. it has a singleminded mindset, which allows for some pretty agressive gameplay. i'm thinking of maybe adding a splash-color, but not sure of what to use (the splash-color would be sideboarded and only used in case the deck needs more power) good luck and tell me what you think about this short review m8 :)
thanks m8, appreciate it let's hope the deck works fine for you and it allows for a lot of fun :)
now you just have to adjust your info on the top of the page, it makes no sence talking about pharao's now :p
indeed with quicksilver amulet you can even play a grimgrin without needing blue mana. a titan on the field is fun too of course i'll take some cards with the deck and alter it where i see fit to see what it does. let's hope by the time FNM starts, the deck is fast enough and playable enough but i think it's safe to say quicksilver amulet will be stronger here then semblance anvil, as you don't want to exile a creature for it (especially since you're exiling grave titans for mimic vat) i'l post you the results here on saterday then :p
i'll keep 2 quicksilvers and 2 semblance anvils in sideboard and see what it does. the advantage of quicksilver amulet is you can easily play a skinrender on instant speed to use as a removal spell and is ready for attack in your turn. sheoldred is good, but it's 7 mana, which might take a while to play. with this deck it is important to play her fast and as long as she's not on the field, to defend yourself as good as possible. so keep that in mind and make sure you have several low cost options
a nice zombie to add if you want more creatures instead, add some ghoulraisers or something. a fun 3 mana zombie to bring another back to your hand. i'll see how it could go faster. another possibility is a semblance anvil, caged sun or quicksilver amulet especially the last 1 i like a lot, play a sheoldred in your opponent's turn 5 and he wont like you anymore :p
ok, good point there it's the only zombie i don't have 4 times so i won't be playtesting it completely. i'll make a simular deck with a few diffirences. i'll test it with 2 reapers in it instead and see how they fit in.
yea i use 2 of each. i always keep 1 mimic vat in the sideboard cause sometimes i'm really unlucky in draws. the pharao is a really good card, but indeed, it hurts to have a total converted mana cost of 20 to go to waste. the problem with the card is it keeps getting on your top deck, which slows your draw speed significantly, you could keep 2 but indeed it's not necessary to have it in there. thr deck should work fine without it, and you just lowered the overal mana cost a lot. i might playtest it on FNM tomorrow, but i'm just not sure about the unbreathing horde (but this is just personal taste), a really good card, but i don't feel like destroying it constantly and bringing it back. just 1 small thing, and this is totally personal taste: have you thought about adding reaper from the abyss? since you keep killing your own creatures, you might want to use him as control to destroy enemy creatures
then you were quite lucky, i would personally use 2 sheoldred's if you want more grimgrins, by all means, he's a great card and really powerfull. i also think you could get some more profit out of 2 grave titans then 4. the combo i use them in is both effective and practicly make a guy cry once :p i try to get at least 1 grave titan and 1 mimic vat on the field and try kill the grave titan as soon as possible once they're both on the field. after that, you gain 4 zombie tokens and a 6/6 death touch haste creature (although only for 1 turn) per turn for only 3 mana. it would seriously buff your unbreathing hordes. i love how you use skinrender btw, i lately noticed most zombie decks since innistrad stopped using him, while he's one f the best uncommon zombies around
although i like it, the grave titans and pharao are a big toll on your mana. the deck has some great value but you have 10 creatures with converted manacost 5 or higher. that would be too much for a tournament deck nless you get them on the field really fast. have you playtested this deck to see if this affects the deck? cause i'm quite curious as to how this plays out and how lucky you are with drawing the sheoldred, since you only use one
i like it but i don't see the point in using 4 rooftop storms. Although at first glance, the card looks great, you need a lot of zomvies in your hand to gain anything from this. and even if you do, there's no creatures besides your Geth that cost enough mana to risk it. you can't use it on grave titan and your other zombies only cost 3 mana (and 2 for walking corpse) so i don't see the point unless there's some massive card drawing to make sure you have a lot of zombies.
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