I like it, except for the zombie infestations. Which cards would you discard and what would you do with them once they''re in teh graveyard. I know you can throw away a Gravecrawler and play it, same goes for Forbidden alchemy, but that's not enough to play 3 Zombie Infestations. The reason people play that card is to clear a cluttered hand or to use some graveyard effect. If you had for instance Cemetery reaper or Havengul Runebinder you could use the the exess cards for more zombie tokens. Or if You added Havengul lich, you could get the cards right back onto the battlefield. but right now, i don't see any use for the card. You'd be better of with a Moan of the Unhallowed that makes 2 tokens, is flashbackable and doesn't make you discard.
I'd suggest 2-3, but that's your choice of course. The Mimic Vat is great in combination with both Grave Titan and Skinrender, either for token or -1/-1 generation.
I wouldn't play 4 armies in main, put some in the sideboard at least. It's too expensive otherwise. also, I'd place 1 of your Go for the Throats in sideboard, replace it with Doom Blade or Victim of Night and put some Doom Blades in sideboard, you never know when you're going to play against an artifact deck after all. Have you thought about adding Mimic Vat? You can use it place a Grave Titan underneath and for 3 mana, get 4 zombie tokens per turn, not the mention a Haste Grave Titan for 1 turn. I wouldn't use Zombie Infestation, in this deck, you want your cards to be on the field as much as possible, I'd suggest soemthing like Moan of the Unhallowed since you'll never generate more then 4 tokens with Zombie Infestation. Would you add a 1-drop zombie or not? If so, I'd suggest the Festering Goblin or something, it's just pure fun. If you want more removal, I'd suggest a few Skinrenders, which is in my opinion 1 of the best zombies around.
I agree on Skinrender, but I'm surprised you don't use any cemetery reapers. Although undead Alchemist is fun, you limit your options when 1 comes to the field since I've seen several selfmill decks lately. You could replace the skeletons with Diregraf ghoul, which is a really good 1 mana drop. Maybe reduce the amount of Abattoir ghouls and use the spare room to add at least 1 additional grave titan. The Zombie infestation won't do you much good, you don't have enough flashback or cards that can benefit from graveyards to play those. About the siedboard, I'm not sure Rooftop storm is really worth it, it's a high mana cost to play zombies for free, if you'd play moreon other spells and just use zombies as support, it's be a lot better. Maybe add Levitation, I had some fun witht hat and no one expects a flying zombie horde.
although I love Necromancer's covenant, isn't it a bit expensive to play 4 times? I'd personally remove 2 and add 2 Gideons Avengers, since those will be buffed a lot with a deck like this.
Too bad obliterators are so hard to aqcuire, same with Liliana. :) Just wondering why you'd need 4 Lilianas, isn't that a bit much?
What's with the Warpath ghouls? theyre pretty useless. Have you considered skinrender? A great 3/3 zombie that's also a removal spell cause of the 3 -1/-1 counters he can give out. Or anyother zombie that's better then Warpath Ghoul, which is almost every zombie. I wouldn't alter the deck any further before playtesting it though. it seems fun and actually has a chance of being quite powerful.
I have made a few working decks already as well. but I'm still waiting before finalizing. After all, you can't add the previewed cards yet, so there's no point in doing that now. I'll keep them on paper for now till the set releases. :)
How is it too big? It's supposed to be a 100-card deck, it's EDH (aka Commander)
I already have plans for a zombie-control deck in dark ascension, but I need something fun and enjoyable for FNM the last few weeks before the release. :) Also, as long as not all cards have been previewed, I don't think it's smart to run ahead and start trying to make decks. You might have to start over again once all cards have been announced.
I wouldn't use the Grave Titans, their tokens are quite useless once the heartless summonings are played out. You could add some stronger creatures like demons or wurmcoil engines, especially Massacre Wurm would be powerfull un here.
This deck looks nice, have you thought of adding Phyrexian Obliterators to power up the deck?
currently your only ability to bring back your enemies creatures is Grimoire of the Dead and that's a card that's often destroyed before it's triggered. I'd suggest adding Geth, Lord of the Vault, that way you have another powerful zombie + a way to steal enemy artifacts and creatures. If you play that many zombies, why haven't you added Cemetery reaper or even Adaptive Automaton for some creature buffing? Cemetery reaper is beeter as you can use it to bring back tokens by exiling creatures in enemy graveyards. these 2 creatures allone will improve your deck by a lot.
The only problem I see with this deck right now is the amount of Glissa's you're using. the problem with Glissa is that she's legendary, so once you have 1 on the field, the others are just filling up your hand being useless. I'd opt to play 1 or 2 less.
i love that deck, it's something i'd play myself have thought about army of the damned in sidebaord?
i know my gf uses Mikeaus with Elesh Norn in sideboard, but she doesn't use Elesh Norn too often. it's a lot of mana for a really agressive and fast deck. if you want a higher mana card for finisher, i could suggest Sun Titan, as it allows you to get killed creatures back from the graveyard, that's always useful. :)
this could easily become a standard deck with only minor adjustments i like it
i wouldn't replace massacre wurms, don't forget they are great for clearing the enemy battlefield and if they can be played cheap, they're really powerful. i'd personally reduce the number of Black sun's but i wouldn't remove them all. i'd keep 2 and 1 or 2 in sideboard myself. i agree on the grave titans, the point of a deck like this 1 is having 2 heartless summonings on the field, so zombie tokens would be utterly useless. the curse of death's hold is a good idea, but in my opinion the Bitterheart witch is too expensive for her effect, she can be useful, but then there would be more curses needed. i'd sideboard some doom blades and dismembers just case. yuo never know the go for throats can't be used
i have a few comments about this deck. in my opinion (and by playtesting with simular decks before) Mentor of the Meek isn't as useful as you'd think. the card is slow and often his effect can't be used in an agressive deck. i'm surprised you're not using any Mirran Crusaders, its a really powerful card for it's mana cost. 23 land isn't really necessary in a deck like this where the only 5 mana card is gideon (which i'd personally only play twice). i'd cut down to 20 land, 2 gideons and 2 mentors (maybe even less of those) i'd add 1 more oblivion ring, maybe add some fiend hunters and most likely some elite inquisitors. but of course, it's just my opinion :)
although it would seem that way, i 've playtested this deck on several occasions now and it usually works fine. there are several options to alter it though, it isn't necessary to keep sheoldred in the deck (i've playtested without it too and it still works fine) he's just a nice powerful card to play when things seem bad. same goes for grimgrin, as he can only be played with quicksilver amulet it doesn't seem that great, but you can destroy a creature the enemy controls every time he attacks. just as easy as this deck works without the 2 legendary cretures and quicksilver amulets, it won't work without grave titans. they aren't necessary to win, but the tokens they produce make a huge diffirence in the late game. adaptive automaton is really useful but cemetary reaper already fils that role so they aren't high on the priority list. on your point of Call to the Grave: although it is good and can replace sheoldred to some level, you'll also lose your grave titan, unless you can throw him under a mimic vat, then you're safe. so the card can only work if you have a mimic vat ready to protect grave titan, otherwise you lose sick amounts of tokens. i've sideboarded 2 witchbane orbs btw, those give the necessary protection against several annoying cards :)
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