Seems like fun but would probably be the kind of deck I'd wanna kill myself going up against once it gets going. Either way I think it's a sweet list +1
I like the deck for a budget deck, especially because this one really takes the cake as budget sitting under $10. I wonder though oh I wonder why you aren't running Mardu Skullhunter at least in the sideboard!! coming in tapped isn't an issue because I assume you won't be doing much blocking, and you get to rob a card from your opponent. 2 power at that.
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Haha that seems rude! My play group is almost the opposite... if someone is stalling out or just not building anything up, we usually leave them alone and target the biggest threat, or just try to equalize the board.
Right. The idea with multiplayer is that you aren't the only target, which means you have plenty of time to build up and even take damage because when you have enough mana for exsanguinate or drain life, you are gaining the life right back anyways. I might add as well that this deck is only intended for 4 player games. deck. Here's my whack at jeskai
*Bile Blight*
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