Out of all my decks, one is budget and that one is the only deck to be hot. #MarchAgainstBudget
7 cards in the deck are enchantments; cloudform is an intended win con
Idk about back to nature because I'm running a lot of enchantments. I don't really see why for prophet of kruphix...
I'm guessing that the control route is better to help you set up your flayer?
So you decided to drop the flamewake huh? It seemed pretty good! Did it not work out well?
With Manamorphose, Rituals, and Gitaxian Probe, I think you may be VERY interested in Volcanic Awakening. This deck could very well wipe your oppponent's lands with it. It's also not a rare.I'm looking for sideboard help with a deck of mine, how about a look? http://www.mtgvault.com/socalithurts/decks/standard-simic/
Help with sideboard is much wanted
I think you guys underestimate Lava Axe, personally. It's 1/4 of your opponent's life total gone, in one card.
Where's a dragon that I can put into this deck?http://www.mtgvault.com/socalithurts/decks/standard-simic/
More fun with Fate Reforged : http://www.mtgvault.com/socalithurts/decks/standard-simic/I'd like to see Flayer against Manifest
oh wow I didn't even notice how well the ferocious trigger fits in. Good eye mate
Why not Gurmag Swiftwing instead of Flamewake Phoenix? (Unless you actually want to play the phoenix instead of soulflaying it, cuz swiftwing is garbage)
Good thing Soulflayer doesn't get defender. hahah
Anybody else wanting to do shenanigans with Soulflayer? Blue/Black to mill yourself til you hit a Chromanticore or Gurmag Swiftwing... pop out a baddie for BB!Or U/W Heroic with the new Cloudform? Finally, affordable hexproof!
When is mtgvault actually gonna let us use FTR cards in our decks? My urge to post new standard decklists is killing meee
Awesome deck. I wanna play it!+1
Jeskai and Temur are getting insane power boosts in Fate Reforged. Have you seen Monastery Mentor??? My lord Jesus...
I would suggest Nivix Cyclops in place of the dragonauts. He gets crazy, and fast.
I like your version's creature style; more creatures are powerful standalone.
Incremental Growth does seem better in this deck at 5 cmc in place of the turtle, but for the sake of the deck's flavor I wanna keep them in. I want to fit them into the sideboard somehow, really badly...
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