i think you guys missed the point. I never actually draw with this deck.
in agreement with tyler
I take it white is in there so you can punish ignorance for the bloodchief? I think you'd be better off dropping it for red and pyroclasm. Check out my traumatic ascension deck on here for another take on a similar win condition
it's too bad scapeshift isn't standard since it makes landfall epic.
fun deck. Where is nova chaser? also, I made an elemental deck like this and found soulbright flamekin to be pretty nice once you've got 6 mana. Banneret couldn't hurt either. also, lightning with a few less creatures and a few more burn spells hostility is good enough for any deck. vigor would be great too.
doubling season would also be beastly here. Not sure why that wasn't my first suggestion.
door of destinies does not pump your saprolings because they are not spells. A good deck just slightly weaker because of this detail. You should for sure put fecundity in this deck for card draw and i'm not sure why utopia mycon and thelon of havenwood aren't involved in this. The first thing i'd take out for them is vitaspore as it sucks.
very cool combo. Not enough protection for it. You'll win the first game 100% of the time because nobody will have any idea what you're doing but you'll never win again after that if you can't defend your combo.
Interesting take on blue. I think a jund deck would tear this apart but it's still a good deck if you don't consider the metagame. your theme seems to be aggro but you have no removal. aggro always has removal. I think this deck would benefit alot from splashing a color (white or green). It would benefit even more from an unsummon. Basically what I think is that even though your idea is to play a noncontrol blue deck you'd be better off playing some form of removal. This is a monocolor (meaning none of your lands come into play tapped) very aggro deck and you only have 4 one drops. Cosi's trickster is an order of magnitude better if you have path.
I like the idea although i think there might be bigs that could contribute more in standard. Also, summoners bane is week in this. I think cancel/spell pierce and one or two goblin assaults would serve you better.
holy crap I did not read the rulings. that makes pyro and twincast so much better.
you're gonna need some removal for when they start top decking.
guile might not be as good in there as you thought: 10/1/2007: A spell exiled this way was never actually countered. still great but not gonna synergize with your lullmage.
I solved that problem for you. Eternal witness is definitely necessary here and dread return would be great if you decide to put more dredge in here.
very interesting indeed. how do you find aluren and ashes?
Extractor demon is a must.
looks pretty brutal, I't go for terminate in place of doom blade and at least put puncture blast in side board. Also, since you're in the right colors might as well put 4 demigod of revenge in the sideboard. Not too on theme but they make any red black deck better. Always.
Also, I'd side in 4 brave the elements and take out all your lost truths being that they get eaten by scourglass and just generally kinda suck unless you have sharuum in hand
Cards in: Ethersworn canonist, Master Transmuter, Tidehollow sculler out: tidehollow strix, glassdust hulk, architects of will thats just my opinion. That lowers mana curve and allows you to interact with your opponents more. Also, with transmuter in the deck you could maindeck steel wind and i'd go so far as to say you should four of steel wind, transmuter, and scourglass.
might be worth adding some instant speed draw. Acts as combat trick with lorescale and lets you put counters on archmage during an opponents turn.
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