I've had a deck exactly like this on the backburner for a long time. I want it to work soooo badly. Consider some draw cards or targeting yourself effects for mirror sheen. That's my favorite card ever aside from swerve. Too bad mirror sucks so badly. Let us know how this works cuz I've always been too skeptical to find all the parts.
valakut is vicious with scapeshift. once you have a functioning valakut sac all your non valakut lands and put that many mountains into play. Thats like 15 damage minimum and you don't even have to have valakut online, just 5 other lands of any kind + volcanoe.
thunderthrash could be devastating in this deck. So could dragon appeasement even though I don't think i've ever recommended that card to anyone. If any deck could really get mileage out of it it's this one. basically you need some way to concentrate some of that token chump aside from drazi. Pyroclasm wipes you before drazi and even with drazi infest will still do the job.
why bother splashing white if your not going to run path to exile, and WTH is obelisk of alara even doing in your collection let alone this deck.
I have no idea what you'd take out but I feel like this deck wants 2 more blades and some guul draz vampires. with such a creature heavy deck eldrazi monument is pretty mean too.
still a very cool idea. it's a shame that it doesn't work. If it did having 100 DR and a consume spirit in your collection would've been cool too.
Agreed with casanova. it's not a jund deck if it doesn't have blightning.
Why is jund hackblade in there? I don't see how it's ever going to get it's multicolor ability activated at 3 copies. Wouldn't Bushwacker, Dregscape Zombie, blister beetle, or pretty much anything be better. Look here: http://www.cardkingdom.com/index.php?main=catalog&advanced=magic&sid=867034402&adv_key_title=&adv_key_text1=&adv_key_boolean=AND&adv_key_text2=&adv_type1=Creature&adv_type2=&adv_edition=1&adv_color_select=any&adv_color_b=Black&adv_color_r=Red&adv_manaprod_select=Ignore&adv_rarity_c=C&adv_concast1=0&adv_concast2=2&adv_pow3=1&adv_pow1=0&adv_pow2=4&adv_pow_star=on&adv_tuf3=0&adv_tuf1=&adv_tuf2=&adv_tuf_star=on
interesting take on thrax. It's right on theme. I have a thrax deck that was built around the same concept. A ton of sac'ing that hits that magic 21 very quickly. Problem was he'd be a twenty counters and catch a terminate. Could be that my play circle is way more removal happy than most (i take that back; my place circle is DEFINITELY more trigger happy than most) but I changed the focus to keeping the entire bored cleared all the time (aether flash etc) and hitting them with thrax when they had just their general in play to get good mana economy and a few wacks before he gets nuked. Doesn't win by the 21 damage rule but it does win much more consistently. Consider Marsh Casualties or other one sided pyroclasms against token generators. Word of seizing is great in any red deck. Thrax is pretty open to removal here. consider some counters, swerves, or shunts. Also, discard is fantastic in these colors. Day of the dragons is always fun with all those tokens of yours. Dragon wings and dragon shadow are great to draw no matter what you're doing. I also really like call the sky breaker in my deck as well. Great build you've got there though just thought you'd like a few alternative ideas. No idea what you could take out but then thats always been my weekest point of deck building.
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