wow! i actually really, REALLY dig the deck, but i'd run a lot more draw to search it out, as it's kinda an odd combo to run without it. right now you're relying on only 20 lands (i like 23 or 24,) and a comination of not only lots of phyrexian mana, but also soulconduit and phyrexian unlife. you'll need a lot of draw to get that out. :( not to mention that soulconduit is kinda easy to see when you're about to hit 9 poison counters.... :/ they'll pick up and kill the conduit, leaving you with just 1 poison counter, then you're dead... also, check out my new deck? based around xenograft?
tezz isn't a control card, he's the exact opposite actually, his best move is to go t1 = memnite memnite, memnite, mox opal, signal pest, land, signal pest (7 cards) t2 = land, temered steel (if on draw) (1 or 2 cards, now 7 or 8 total) SWING PEWPEW! t3 = land, tezzeret (use +1, grab an ornithopter, drop it) SWING! PEWPEW t4 = top deck another ornithoper, wreck absoulte face. besides that, your deck is missing 4 Jace so it won't work as well as you'd want. Also, the inkmoth tezz combo is a shitty one, and metamorph is kinda shitty too when they don't have anything on the field. seems a bit ho-hum to me, it could work I suppose, but I don't think it'd work as well as you think it would.
you asked me to check out your deck, so i checked it out. :) let me know what you think? :) also, here is how i'd make your deck:
I'm not sure what spellskite is for? If you're looking to redirect a counter or something for your spells, it doesn't work like that. Also, I'm fairly certain that I would do something like this: -2 spellskite (not amazing in this deck, especially b/c of the way I'm going to change it) -4 Spitfire a 3 mana 1/3 that relies on the next turn being able to cast a burn spell, ON THEM, not their creatures, soulds shitty. -4 Kiln Fiend, see above about "instant" based pumps -4 Lacerator - again, I think that b/c of the way I'm changing it, you'll have a lot more burn, and you'll be replacing these creatures with spells that fit the theme better, so a 1 drop 2/2 that loses YOU life, doesn't seem amazing to me. then onto changing around spells -2 Galvonic Blast - You'll never have MC for it -2 Burst Lightning - you won't have enough time to kick it well enough to be effective -2 doom blade (sideboard tech if you'll need instant speed spot removal) -2 go for the throat (see above) +3 black sun (better board clearing early / mid game that will stall you out until you wreck their face. :) +4 arc trail +3 Inquisition of Kozilek +3 despise +4 sign in blood +3 dismember +2 koth This gives you a better chance to slow them down until you can win with bloodchief. it give you koth to help deal lots of dmg by tapping mountains. Also, the Inquisitions and Despises will make up for an early game problem (say for instance, you get out their lotus cobra, or their stoneforge. Arc trail is much nicer in that it it can hit multiple targets, killing say a steel overseer, or a birds of paradise, AND you get to hit 2 on them to get a counter on bloodchief on the other hand, you could run like a black red removal goblins deck? :) like consisting purely of kill spells and burn spells, then run like 4 goblin guides and other shit. Idk, it's up to you, but I think inquisiton is just an absurdly broken good card, and it'd be a shame not to run it.
i definitely don't think darksteel juggernaut belongs in there, nor does indomitable archangel (maybe as sideboard tech) and thopter assembly is a bit rough to get out, though awesome if you can get it out. inkmoth also seems like a bit of a strange choice, and you'll probably need 23 mana sources when mox won't be active hugely active with your mana curve as it is. dispatch is wicked though, i love it. maybe drop some of the more expensive artifacts and try to run more cheaper ones - look into porcelain legionaire, and vault skirge. then maybe tezzerets gambit (helps you not run out of steam) and if you do that, try dropping all your high drops and run ajani (the one with +1/+1 counters and vig as his -1 ability) and steel overseer (a 2 drop 1/1 artifact creature that you can tap to give all artifact creatures you control a +1/+1 counter.) here's what I'd do. - 4 indomitable - 4 accorder paladin - 3 thopter assembly - 3 darksteel juggernaut - 4 tumble magnent - 4 ornithopter - 4 inkmoth - 1 (only 1) signal pest then + 1 mox opal + 4 steel overseer + 3 Ajani goldmane + 4 porcelain legionaire + 3 vault skirge + 2 etched champion (running three might help, try dropping a souleater for a 3rd one) + 3 blinding souleater + 3 Tezzeret's gambit (I know you'll lose the 2 life everytime, but 2 cards and proliferate, with ajani and steeloverseer will be awesome.) + 4 plains or however you see fit i suppose, but that's what I'd do... i know it's a big change from your deck, but mid range decks like this one really don't stand a huge chance against some current decks. this way you'll be able to swing like crazy very early on. :) for instance t1 - plains, memnite, memnite, signal pest, mox opal, signal pest t2 - plains, tempered steel ---- swing for each memnite as a 5/3, and each pest as a 3/3, that's 5 + 5 + 3 + 3 = 16, or you could have played another memnite if you were on the draw on t1, and could have swung for 21. :) i feel like this strategy is much more viable. :) lol also, souleaters above magnents, b/c you can pay your open mana later on (which you'll have in my build b/c of the low cost of things) and still do well, also, it's a creature so it adds more versility, also, it can be paid in life in tough situations, adding versility, also, it doesn't have to worry about charge counters. :) inkmoth seems meh, a nice alternate win condition, but just meh. warzone is nice, but when they take over it, it can be a pain in the ass, :( etched chamption is great as an attacker and defender, as he can't be blocked my colored creatures, and doesn't take damage from colored creatures. ajani is brutally good (get him out t3 with a mox) also, porcelain legionaire is a 2 mana, 2 life, 3/1 first strike (awesome turn 2, btw) and vault skirge will always be 1 mana 2 life in your deck, but a 1/1 flying lifelink for that is awesome, esp with vigilance from ajani, or with tempered steel or a steel overseer out.
very legitimate point. added 3 lliana's caress and 4 creeping tarpits. :)
also, liked, AND birthing pod is miserable. ;)
it's the guy from the t2 tezz aggro deck. i assume that the 8 fetch lands are for deck thinking? yes. :) well lacerator isn't actually THAT great, and if you want the suicide thing to work, you need to make sure they don't have certain spells, so drop the praetor's grasp + lacerator (shit card anyways) and run 4 inquisition and 2 despise. :) at least imho. :)
I never said my opponent was playing standard! :)
i dig it, a few cards seem weak though. memoricide, 4x extraction, and praetor's grasp... maybe try sign in blood? or batterskull? or those "turn into swamp" cards, like contaminated ground? (it can really mess up their mana base) also, look at my 2 new decks if you don't mind? just like the second one? ;) ha, 3 more likes and the second one will be front page. First is a fun discard with a lot of board removal and spot removal, second is a t2 tezz aggro deck, esper style, ready for nph, and ready to beat face. :D
i dig the deck, but not a ton of win conditions, what happens when they have removal/counters? also, check out my two new decks? the first one is a discard, the second is a tezz aggro! :) like for like?
well, first off all, 2 blue mana is rough in a 3 color deck, not to mention that by the time they play something i'm afraid of, AND have 3 mana open, i have already lost the game. but the idea of tezz is really just for a kill card, the deck certainly doesn't need him to win. if i'm on the draw t1 - 4 memnites, land, mox, 2 signal pests t2 - plains, tempered steel t2 - memnites swing for 5 each (1 + 2(tempered) + (2 battlecry), pests swing for 3 each (0 + 1 (other pest) + 2 (tempered). thats swinging for 20 + 6 = 26. PEWPEW!
i'm sorry man, but tezz is NOT a control deck. he's one of two things, infect, or artifact aggo support. (where most aggro decks fall short is they run out of steam b/c of a shitty mana curve, or opponents being able to eventually get bigger creatures than them.) I don't have an infect version of tezz, but here's my aggro one: I mean it's certainly an idea, but it needs some tweaking, some early game resistance, it's just not a t1 deck like the title made it out to be. xD
running preordain might help you sort out on turn 4 or 5 through what's mana and whats a spell, and maybe run 3 galvonoth, besides that, i really like it! :) arc trail might be good for stall so you can get your better defense out, but besides that, i really dig it! :D great job! also, check out my deck? it's a tezz aggro that i'm looking for feedback on! :) like for like maybe?
fling is probably my single favorite card in standard, i love it, it's no good, but i adore it. i also think maybe arc trail for lava axe might be better, 5 mana is a heavy cost. and maybe run a koth or two, then some of that red mana excelleartion from the new set coming out? also, check out my deck? like for like?
that's fun, really really fun. i love perilous myr + glissa's ability, that's just silly. xD also, check out my deck? like for like? and let me know what you think?
etched champion, more signal pests, maybe an ornithopter or hovermyr
look at despise in your sideboard too. cawblade, rug, and valakut, all love certain creature or plainswalkers in their opening hand, aka: hawk / stoneforge / gideon / jace OR cobra / titan / jace / etc... OR inferno / primeval / cobra. also, when the hell do you ever expect that praetor to actually get out? it seems totally like it's wasting space. also, you really think that stoneforge is worth splashing that for? really? I just can't see that REALLY being worth it. think about this. you run 4 seekers, and 2 sought after cards. that's a total of 6 ways to get them. why sacrifice your mana base for a 4 black when you just run 3 of each...?
really, you desperately need to focus that down to 2 colores, i'd say focus into black and green, for grave titan, the black praetor, and ob-nixilis (on t1 you play a tapsac land) speaking of tap sacs, green will let you run harrow, explore, lotus cobra, overgrown battlement, birds, and even a llanowar elf. If you really wanted to strech it play red too, for inferno titan (great, but other black ones are better) but then you could play arc trails and bolts too, not terrible, gives you artifact hate, land hate, creature hate, and good ramp, plus a few bombs. take a look at that one, i think it's how it should be built, 12 tap sac lands, ob-nix, grave titan, birds, llanowar, battlements, lotus cobras, and a few black removal in there too...
or you could not swing at all. t1 - tap sac, birds ==== 6 dmg t2 - cobra, then tap sac ==== 6 damage, 3 mana open for harrow === 6 damage, 2 mana open for explore === 6 dmg. :)
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