
255 Decks, 238 Comments, 18 Reputation

BAHAHA! :D yes!

though i'd love to see 4x kazandu blademaster, and to maybe drop the blue in there, and possibly add some green sun zenith to help you get out the awesome harabaz druid?!? :D it's pretty swell... also, i'd look into some more dual lands... the scars ones at least. xD

check out my new deck? like for like, feedback for feedback? :)

Posted 29 September 2011 at 05:14 as a comment on Adventuring Party


very straightforward, which is cool, though i'm not so sure about the curve. i'd probably want a few more 2 drops in there to help you get to skaab ruinator, and quite a few 1 of's in order to help in a given situation. but hey, that's just me. xD

check out my deck? like for like / feedback for feedback? :)

Posted 29 September 2011 at 05:10 as a comment on U/G standard


the mind control is a cool touch, and so is vapor snag, though i think that some mana leaks in there would do you some good. :)

check out my new deck? like for like?
it's a cool UW control deck that i'm a big fan of. :)

Posted 29 September 2011 at 05:09 as a comment on Illusion


yeah, just saying, as i'm sure you might have heard before, you can't equip the illusions... though i do like the whole whispersilk cloak thing. :) it's a very underrated card imo, though i haven't found out where exactly it's useful... xD haha

Posted 29 September 2011 at 05:07 as a comment on Illusions and Equipment


i dig it, very cool. though the mana might be a bit rough...

check out my new deck?
i think it's pretty solid, but i'm always looking for feedback. xD

Posted 29 September 2011 at 05:06 as a comment on The Dude Abides


ha, i dig it! :) i love unblockable stuff! though, i think it'd be kinda cool if you had a tad more control / card advantage to bring 'em out.

check out my new UW deck? it would be a rough matchup for you. :P

Posted 29 September 2011 at 04:47 as a comment on Phage the Untouchable


that's a ton of one-ofs in there... idk how i feel about that... it also seems like the only real win-con is sun titan, which seems a tad weak to me... but hey, if it works, more power to ya! i might do some play testing and see what i think. :) if you're interested.

check out my UW, and let me know what you think? you don't have to test it or anything, but it's a pretty solid build that seems like it'll do well. :)

Posted 29 September 2011 at 04:45 as a comment on The New White-Blue


well firstly, definitely 1ofs are no good. if something is good enough to play, and you don't have crazy tutors or awesome CA, then you'll almost always want 2, 3 or 4 of them. Including Sorin Markov. I would almost always rather be playing a lashwrithe or batterskull instead of a sorin, literally every time.

also, it's nice to diversity your answers. like 2 doom blades, 3 go for the throat. that way you have 1 doom blade and 2 go for the throats in your SB to help game 2.

Also, there's really never a need to run 28 creatures, like, ever.

Distress is fairly bad, and inqusition an despise are probably worth MB'ing, (so is like pulsetracker btw, which isn't here, D: )

I'd probably move arounda lot of the cards from the SB to the MB, keep around 22-24 creatures MB, 23 lands looks about right for what your curve should be (8 1 drops -- 14 2 drops --- 10 3 drops -- 4 4 drops) or around there. :) at least imo...

hope the criticism wasn't too harsh, just trying to be helpful. I do like the deck, and sorin is a beating if he can drop them to 10 life like he can! :D it looks fun to play. :P

check out my new gimmicky theme deck?
like for like?
comment for comment?
i'd really appreciate it, and hope my comments on your deck helped you out at least a little. :)

Posted 02 August 2011 at 02:58 as a comment on Mono Black Rules


karador is awesome. just plain awesome. i'd probably look more into dredge, and check out tarmagoyf or however you spell it. xD but that's just me. a bit sad that you aren't playing serra ascendant. It's probably my favorite white creatures in EDH (even if it isn't all that good, it's still super fun, t1 6/6 flying life link? hell yes sir.)
also, i'd probably look into a big more removal. go for the throat at least, and maybe some pre-emptive removal, inquisition and/or duress. also maybe gravepact? solid black card here, and of course, all the titans of each color, which are plain too good to pass up, meaning i'd run the green one too. :P lol
on the other hand, you could just run landtax, but i think i prefer the green titan more. just a personal opinion though. :)

i dig it though, EDH decks always are fun to look at. people always have such cool ideas of their own. it's rad.

hey though, wanna check out my NOT edh deck? :P so it won't take you 100 years to figure out what everything does? xD like for like? comment for comment? :)

Posted 02 August 2011 at 02:44 as a comment on Dead or Alive XXL


ah merfolks, the wicked awesome brethren of goblins. :) I dig it.
A few things I think you're probably missing out on though... maybe look into a few non-basic lands. even from the new cards, you've still got halimar depths, which is super rad.

Also, I think i'd probably run 4 brainstorm, it's too amazing not to, and it's not like you really NEED 24 creatures.
BTW. I dig mask of the mimic, one of those cards that, imo, never sees enough play, though I definitely think that 2of is right. Elixer of immortality and the catapult seem like odd choices. i'd rather be running more draw and/or control.
Also, i think a better 4 drop for all those merfolk would be the 5 drop tribal champion, coat of arms. :)
as a last note, seriously, the actual last note here, capsize seems a bit expensive here, even if it can grab their land, and as a 1of seems a bit weak, if you're going to run a 1of, might as well be running the mox series and/or black lotus. :P

haha, check out my new deck though? it's a standard theme one, no good, but it's fun as hell! lol.

like for like? comment for comment? :D

Though I dig the deck. Tribals are awesome, really just way too fun to not play.

Posted 02 August 2011 at 02:32 as a comment on Merfolk options


well if you're going for not standard, then you definitely need some searches. look into maybe just being a WB deck? and run enlightened tutor, the other artifact tutor, and like demonic tutor and stuff like that? If not, then just check out blue for tinker and run some other cheap artifact blockers, or mana accleration (the mox series [mox diamond, mox jet, mox rubyl, mox emerald, and mox sapphire] as well as black lotus are obviously great helper cards here, esp with all the tutors you could be playing to help get everything out so fast. :))

but hey, that's if you have a few 10's of thousands of dollars to blow away on a deck that the same money could buy and you'll lose against 100000 times in a row. xD rofl, but hey, you could always play it on cockatrice (a free online magic SIM that lets you play any card and however many you want of each) then hell yeah! rock that 4x each lotus and 4x each mox all day long! :D maybe a talarin academy or however it's spelled too. :P

also, I dig this theme deck thing. they're super cool. :) check my new theme deck out?
like for like, or comment for comment? :D

Posted 02 August 2011 at 02:26 as a comment on Empires strike Black


i like it! Really cool deck.
Not sure you need something in place of fabricate. think more control. :) into the roil, stoic rebuttal, mana leak, etc... are all cards you should check into.

also, I'd look into some more mana ramp too. although walls are cool ramps, they lose impact when you aren't playing other ramp too / green sun. I like birds and rampant growth the best (solemn is a good play, but still not awesome. especially if the soonest you can play it is t4 and you have no control.

I like the deck though! very fun!
check out my new theme deck? Like for like? comment for comment? i'm interested to know what you think of it. :)

Posted 02 August 2011 at 02:09 as a comment on Replicating Golems


Cool deck, very themed. I dig how every creature gets something cool out of direct attacks. :) I just made a themed deck, wanna check it out?

Also, just a tip: Maybe try throwing some swords in there, like, ones that are different from body and mind. I think if you worked a bit on the CA that is lacking in this deck, (though fixed with scroll thief,) you could seriouly get some work out of SoW&P, and even without more CA, SoF&F is wicked here. And the pro colors always helps to get unblockable on something. :)

On the other hand, infect + unblockable is also a wicked combination, as infect basically already means that you're already putting them at 10 life, and as infect generally gets weak late game, b/c their creatures are strong enough to deal with your weak infect guys, but now you don't have to worry about them getting weaker later on. :)

Posted 02 August 2011 at 01:57 as a comment on Venser, the Unblockable


yeah, definitely trying to keep it standard. :) but thanks, it is a cool suggestion. :)

Posted 01 August 2011 at 23:11 in reply to #187620 on Moo-Moo Along


well, of course you don't want to over commit and play every creature you have against control, but that's what silence is for in the SB. they hit 4 mana, you silence, and silence, and silence some more. :)

Posted 28 July 2011 at 03:52 in reply to #186098 on Human Tribal


there were 8 people actually, and mhmm. i definitely came in first.

The dark favors kinda were the MVP here actually. the archon of justice was a solid card, getting double blocked by a stormfront pegasus and that 3/1 flyer blue has, only being able to kill them both, and without any other creatures on their field, i had to exile a land. :P

but one game was awesome. turn 1 tormented soul, turn 2 child of night, turn three, dark favor on the tormented soul, then another tormented soul, turn 4, dark favor on my child of night, and doom blade their only creature... :O i won the next turn. :P
t1 - no damage
t2 - 1 damage
t3 - 3 damage, 2 life gain
t4 - 9 damage, 5 life gain
t5 win.

Posted 28 July 2011 at 03:21 in reply to #186089 on Best m12 Draft Yet


jace's enginuity seems a bit week here, especially compared to say preordain, which, I think, is also better than ponder. Also, 22 lands seems right, but maybe try playing halimar depths? It can give you some of the help you wanted from ponder, while also being a land, though entering tapped does kinda blow (though it's a price definitely worth paying.) On the other hand, I definitely think vapor snag is worth playing here. I also happen to really like the new clone, which is a very solid card for 2 mana, and i'm 100% sure that adaptive automaton should be here... too good to pass up.

I hope the comment helped a little tiny bit, if at all. and if it did, or if you just appreciate the link, maybe check out my deck? A new caw-blade variant for standard. like for like?

Posted 27 July 2011 at 06:32 as a comment on (Help Please) Illusions Standard


yeah, that's where the lawkeepers help. I originally had the m12 1 white mana 0/3 that has, when blocks, gain three life, but i realized i prefer firewalker, b/c most of the aggro decks are red, not largely tempered steel - at least in my area. but i agree, without stabalizing it's very, very hard to win. :/

Posted 27 July 2011 at 06:26 in reply to #185770 on Sural-Hawks (HELP)


yeah, that's where the lawkeepers help. I originally had the m12 1 white mana 0/3 that has, when blocks, gain three life, but i realized i prefer firewalker, b/c most of the aggro decks are red, not largely tempered steel - at least in my area. but i agree, without stabalizing it's very, very hard to win. :/

Posted 27 July 2011 at 05:59 in reply to #185770 on Sural-Hawks (HELP)


yeah, that's where the lawkeepers help. I originally had the m12 1 white mana 0/3 that has, when blocks, gain three life, but i realized i prefer firewalker, b/c most of the aggro decks are red, not largely tempered steel - at least in my area. but i agree, without stabalizing it's very, very hard to win. :/

Posted 27 July 2011 at 05:54 in reply to #185770 on Sural-Hawks (HELP)


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