Maybe instead of 4 overrun you could do a garruk wildspeaker
The concept of really f***nig bitter ordeals still awes me. I was just wondering if you might want lord of extinction, but you probably wouldn't. It would probably end up duper huge.
Maybe you should consider Lord of Extinction. He is a boss.
Oh, and I have a mill deck as well, but its more artifact oriented, if you would enjoy viewing it,
Tome scour isn't my favorite mill spell, but Glimpse the Unthinkable sure as hell is. drop two for two. Also, leyline of the void should be in the sideboard, so that you could find something else to put in. Hows about a Jace Beleren?
Also, if you want to be a nice guy, take a look-see at my allies.
I think this deck needs to be cut down by two cards. 62 seems too much. Also, any problems with mana that you have and can't be immediately remedied can be solved by preordain, it lets you scry, and draw, mana producing lands (and maybe a druid)
Pretty awesome. I think that instead of mind rot you should go for ravens crime, which is also the solution for drawing man late in the game. My friend owns a deck very similar to this one, and it kicks all kinds of ass.
I think that there is enough mana and acceleration that you don not need sphere of the suns. Maybe signal pest
hmm, I wonder why
I think you are good for mana, my ally deck only has 20 lands and it runs just fine with like that. You have too many, however, as any deck should only ever have 60 cards. Take out the quest for renewals, they are not necessary.
Hey. Hey. Know what I just saw? go. see. About two weeks ago Me and my friend, which some of you may know as "rudeboy" were discussing what the new sword would be called. I said "War and Peace, it makes sense." and guess who was right?
-2 growthspasm -2 survivalists -2 quest for renewal +2 loremaster +4 preordain and that is what should be done
I like the stormtide better because not only will it always be unblockable, but it protects me from harm and fixes my mana. But that is just me=D
Honestly, the fastbond/ piranha marsh combo isn't what I built this deck for. It s a fantastic combo, but I dont not feel like doing it, and I don't like how the marsh enters tapped, and I could not find a card to replace for fastbond. As for you doing a proxy, please do. I would feel incredibly honored and would appreciate you telling me how things go. Just don't forget to mention the creator from time to time =D
101-120 of 238 items