good, now the rest is up to you.
Take out tidings, mind spring and add more glimpse the unthinkables, isochron scepters,and twincast. Take out the traumatize, because if a milling deck is good by the time it is able to cast traumatize it would only mill something like 10 cards. add sunken ruins and river of tears, they offer great mana diversity. screw th body and mid, you do ot have enough creatures to make use of it.
yeah, add one liliana, and take out oe of the Jace Blerens, because plaeswalkers are useless in multiples. P.S. you should work on your typing grammar, it can be hard to understand what you say sometimes.
OK, just replace jaces inginuity with ancestral vision. Also, I need yo to do me a favor and comment on my ally and mass production decks
I know, right? I can't wait to get the damn thing finished.
Oh, and if you want card draw, go for ancestral vision, or if your wallet is infinite, ancestral recall.
Why do yo have sword of body and mind a with almost no creatures? This deck would be alot better off with black in it. Take out the erasures, the memory erosions, and have glimpse the unthinkable and Dralnu, lich lord. Also, use Isocron Scepter with twin cast, and pop in an echo mage for more fun. Wall of frost and guard gomazoa are always great cards for mill, no matter how much you think you don't need creatures.
go for damnation
I am fairly certain I already made a Niv EDH. Clcik the link if you want to see it.
dude, 4 wilt leaf lieges is a must
Makin' smiles s'what I do =D
As far as I am concerned, the only creature in the entire deck that should have infect is skythirix. Why do you need the other infect if your general can do all of that work for you? Replace the infecters with cards that stall and destroy. Things like Dread, Avatar of Woe, Attrition, Consume the Meek, Damnation, Drudge Skeletons, Hex, Magus of the Abyss, No Mercy, Notorious Assassin, Phage the Untouchable, Plague Bearers, Plague Wind, Will-O'-the-Wisp. I don't recommend putting in all of those, but you should definitely put in some of the better ones. Also try for Gauntlet of Power and Extraplanar Lens.
strength of the tajuru
Quite brilliant, I too am a big fan of tezzeret, especially after his trip to the all-exclusive Bolas Salon
No Salvage Titan? The combo with swoed of the meek is just awesome. Really awesome. Maybe I'll give this a shot. The thig is, If I make it too similar it won't be mine, it'll just be a continuation of yours. That is the problem with making decks nowadays, Its hard to come uo with a new and brilliant Idea that Works like a boss
OK, lets see what I can formulate for a specific focus. I want things that get me a lot of tokens ad fast for low mana, and the umber of these tokens should be something that I can abuse, via Salvage titan, Time Sieve, Master of Etherium, etc.......
I found this new interesting card called Heros demise, you should look into it.
actually, keep the shocks, and take out 2 arcrunners
There happens to be alot of stuff you dont need. I'll make a least of things to take out Volcanic Hammer x3 Rain of embers Volcanic fallout x2 shock x2 pyretic ritual x2 puishing fire inferno chandras outrage kuldotha ringleader worn powrstone sphere of the suns 1 mountain replace the hellkite with another fire servant If in some way you can get your hands on hostility, do it.
Well, if two people think so then I guess I should. Damn, I liked puppet conjurer, and his odd obsession with homunculi.
61-80 of 238 items