No, you're right, Phyrexian Unlife put this deck over the top! Glad you suggested it!
I feel like you need atarka's command MB. I would cut 2 students for 2 commands.
This is a standard deck.
Needs Hangarback Walker. 4 of them.
It should be a 4 of.
Ulamog. You need Ulamog.
There, the deck is now completely streamlined! I playtested a lot today and just...omg what a fun time! The sideboard is now tuned to handle almost every deck because a lot of answers overlap. You have to give this a whirl!
Opponent: "Get a life, dude"You: "Don't mind if I do!"Opponent: "NOT MINE! YOU CAN'T HAVE THA.....AAAAAARRGGHHH!"*gurgling noises
Here's my advice: Drop the Honored Hierarch. It's terrible. Go to 4 Hangarback Walkers, as they are nuts. Get yourself some Servant of the Scale. The modular ability he provides is great. Toss in 1 more Anafenza. Drop all the sorceries because they're slow and don't really add to your game plan. Drop the Sieges, they're too slow. Put in some Feat of Resistance. Also put in Inspiring Call as it can refill your hand while protecting you against an opposing sweeper. Move some 2 mana removal spells to the main because Jace, Hangarback Walker, and Mantis Riders are public enemy #1 right now.
I like this one, but why Avatar of the Resolute?
Yeah, after playtesting it a bit yesterday, this is what it evolved into lol. It seems to be more resilient as well as more "aggressive". I'm still learning to play it because there were multiple instances where I missed a line of play. What deck are you playing at the moment?
Okay, reworked and overhauled the entire deck. Much more streamlined, the mana works much better, there's more interaction with the opponent, and I tossed in a combo-ish kill. Having seem a similar deck in action, I loved the lines of play that opened up when the synergy of this deck gets going. The only thing I didn't like about Calcano's deck was, in my opinion, not enough sacrifice effects or ways to kill off his own creatures. I honestly feel like Altar's Reap belongs in here, I just have to figure out how.
So I was able to catch some of the Pro Tour. It turns out there's a UB version of this deck! I can't wait to the build and how it differs from mine!
-2 Leap +2 Sorin -1 Whisperwood +1 Temur Sabertooth -2 Mastery +2 SilkwrapSorin was a good include! I want to try out Sabertooth because you can bounce a Morph or Manifest that isn't a creature with him, or save your sovereign in response to a removal spell. I needed silkwrap as a way to deal with early pressure.
Will do! I've already made some changes:1) -2 Evolutionary Leap -1 Sultai Emissary +1 Grim Haruspex +1 Rally the Ancients +1 Nantuko HuskIt raises the curve only slightly. I was reviewing the old Rally decks of last season and modeled the changes after them. Having the full set of Husks as a sacrifice outlet seemed better because it doesn't cost mana to activate. Rally seemed REALLY good and having play tested just a couple games can be a type of "finisher" card. And I upped the count on Haruspex because also in the playtesting, I was drawing a crazy amount of cards. It basically filled the role of Leap by finding me a creature, but also letting me keep non-creatures.
It's so much fun to -2 Narset and cast a free Dig or Cruise. Well, not so fun for the opponent.
Yeah, I've found that having 2 Mastery out makes it really easy to hit that 40 mark. Also, if you happen to manifest the sovereign, you can sneak the win by flipping him on your untap step. If they kill him, get him back with Den Protector! Also, if you can go the "beat down" route if you need to and still be working towards your goal. Also, I'm going to add a couple of Sorin, Solemn Visitor. What do you think I should cut?
Yeah, this is my pet deck. There is so much removal it's ridiculous. And the mana base worked out so well!
You're not missing anything, lol. This is a REALLY rough draft idea that I'm tinkering with. So far the ideas haven't panned out and I'm still looking to make this a thing.
Thanks for the +1! Let's see if I can answer all your questions. First, this is just the first version of the deck and I won't get to actually play until this Saturday. However, here is my mindset:1) There are a lot of things going on and I haven't decided which option I like best yet. I've included 2 of each "trick" to see which one flows smoothly, or if they all work in tandem. Each choice feeds off the deck in multiple ways. Leap is a hard to kill sac outlet that can be used to find another guy. Impact tremors was thrown in there because almost every one of the creatures makes 2 dudes. Combine the tremors with Rally, and you get a beating. Combine both of those with even 1 cutthroat, and it's an insane amount of damage that is impossible to prevent because it doesn't "target" any opponent. I've playtested it only a little and it's hilarious when you pull this off by sacrificing guys to get scions, then using the scions to fuel the Rally, gettting back your guys...then sacrificing them again, and getting more sacrifice THEM again. Trust me when I say it seems a little unfair, because I didn't even mention the Tremors triggers.2) I had considered Drana's Emissary. I like what she does, but I was looking at things that make other guys when they die. You can always try it though and tell me if it worked for you! I'll try this version out this weekend, and try to fit them in. Not sure what I would take out though. Any ideas?
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