Definitely need Recoil ! with Warped devotion, you return any permanent and discard two cards with one 3mana cost instant!!!Maybe Megrim will help.And for sure......Capsize..... :)
Helm of Obedience / Rest in peace ;-). I think.
Yes it is! thanks for clue, i don´t known about Cloudshift. :)I will update this. Thx
Nice :).
And finally i made last change. But very brutal change! Get out 4x force of Savagery and put in 4x Phyrexian Dreadnought :D !!! 12 power for one mana instead of 8 power for three mana!!!! this will be very agresive deck...Check ;-)
Updated in my version of deck, look at it ! Get out 2 basics lands (Forest,Swamp) and add 2x Mirri's Guile ! Do you thing 18 lands are enough? I thing yes, becose most expensive spell is for 4 mana....most is for 3 or 2 witch is no problem for 18 lands ;-)
I think about one can be nice boost :)Mirri's Guile :)
Yeah, wordly tutors are one of best! only one mana and instant speed!!! very nice!Most of dolars is from if you not add Bayou price will be less.Thanks you too :)
And made sideboard :)
Ok, is so synergy and great, that I made only few changes.... :DAdd 3x Worldly Tutor, 4x Bayou, 4x Verdant Catacombs and move Abrupt decay to Main deck.Here it is :). Legacy Scavenge Strike (LSS)
This is great! Can I take basic idea of deck and recreate for Legacy only ? :)Lately, i will post link, so you can comment my "copy".
OH! Very nice idea! great deck!Why not card like Undergroun sea, Polluted delta, dark ritual?
It is good choice with Serum Powder. Have you tryed number of Leylines to 3 each?
Try draw sample hand and chance to start this mechanism right way is very small.....but still good idea of deck :)
OH! you are right! nice :)
I think, you need haste to attack
Why Kederekt Parasite ?? You have no red permanent in deck ! Rest is OK :)
I dont see it in "Cards to consider: " wich you wrote :). So I think, you forgot this "best" red creature ever :). Peace :). Together ok :) ! Spark instead of Ball don´t have meaning. That what I mean ;-). Sorry for bad english.
Jessie have true. And with blood moon and pyrokinesis you have little control in Legacy, I said :).
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