Man this is amazing! :) entreat the angels, armada and geist with parallel lives. scary I'd have a 4th parallel lives and 1-2 thragtusk in the main deck. change the oblivion ring for another sundering growth.
I love your way how you are combining things & make them work for each other. I love this deck and all the others I have seen from you :) I realized you see about every opportunity for making a highly competative deck :) Have you got any legacy decks? because I havent seen any from you. only standard and modern. are you not playing legacy?
my god poet. you really are a strange individual. it takes a sick mind to come up with something as deadly and ugly as this :) brilliant deck!
mine are: blue, U/W and B/U/W :)
very nice deck! :) hope your sister picks up the win! :) I would play 2 jaces -1 azorius charm. may be 3 thragtusk and 2 wurm?
jesus, poet! :) this is crazy! hope we will never clash at any tournament lol :) I would also run 2 vraska, but dont know what to take out from here
too many Reep. not good here and the curve is also wrong. I would use 4 visionary. too much of reforge as well. check my spirits please:
looking good but why not playing more token cards? I would take out scatter, outwit and 2 rewind add midnight haunting talrands invocation etc. check my spirits for fnm please
I like shimian specter :) The curve is a little high even with heartless but the deck is good looking. take a look at my spirits I will use it on fnm
This might could beat your America deck, but I doubt it, so I'd run the other on fnm :)
I'd run this on fnm. Impossible to overcome :) amazing control and sideboard!
Thanx! :) I'm uploading another of my decks I will post it later
Is it the "finished deck" option? I have done that
Thanx, poet! :) how do I do that? I mean to publish it
Hey! Me again I figured how to make a deck would you take a look at it? :)
Hey poet! :) I have registrated as you suggested. can you help me with how to make decks here because I'm excited to do so :) I'm looking at your decks now and I'm impressed :)
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