I think 9foot is on extasy
k son.
Surrak sure is sexy and I'm getting your point why there should be just 2 in the main deck and I'm still not seeing xenagos being so good here but it's you testing the deck so I couldn't have known. :)
Go ahead poet eat his ... jk :)
9foot its k you were not expected to understand a thing. ;)
You're right about garruk being important to balance the field for Ajani. and you're making a good point about ivorytusk.
Very well. I can see that. :)
You donno sh.t 9foot. ;)
yes I believe too that the curve makes this instabil but it still is competative for an extent.
OMG this s.it is sick! but very much life loss and no lifegain at all. the deck is probably not fast enough to stay alive against resellient aggro and mono green with all this life loss in it. but I could be wrong have you tested it and against what decks?
not bad but i don't think this is right. you should drop the mono red theme and add multi colored goblins and adjust the mana base to it...
fast and deadly yet resellient against control because you run many draw stuff. love it.
nice nice. I'd use 1 more surrak mainboard and not sure if Xenagos is your best option for this deck. the sideboard looking really good!
This s_it is mean! I see why you use only 1 Ivorytusk but I'm not sure of it. may be garruk should be in the sideboard.
I believe you could use another genesis in the main and one more boon but I love it still. the hooded hydra with convoke is a perfect plan I think.
You're not gonna win fnm this weekend. #spoilers ;)
Poet, you're more defiant today than usual. You're killing it! :)
I thought you liked it. You definiately liked it back then. jk, shoot me on site! :)
No, he is a black dragon that hate on whites and lightskin. jk, don't take my s.it serious! :)
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