well.... I can't think of anything to replace mirror gallery with. Aurora Griffin and circle of protection would be an ok combo, I guees. I think I need harrier griffin. I don't think diving griffin is a fair trade for razorfoot. Diving Griffin is... well, lame. It is expensive, not very strong, and you can sacrifice it to deal 3 damage to a creature. Hoo-bloody-ray. Razorfoot is much cheaper and has first strike, a valuable asset in my opinion. Coat of arms was a good idea. I don't really like cards like Unyaro Griffin that are circumstantial to only red and black cards. Thanks for looking at my deck though.
what set is diabolic restriced from >.>, it doesn't say its restriced from anything when I click on it. Maybe I'm just dumb >.>
Wonder what the chance is of this cobmo actually working..... lets see! (begins calculating) Chance that opponent goes first: 1/2 Chance to get Caverns in opening hand: 4/60 Chance to get Simian in opening hand: 4/56 Chance to get Hulk in opening hand: 4/52 Chance to get Flash in opening hand: 4/48 Percent chance to get opening hand that wins game: about 0.00136% Still funny though lol.
Not a bad deck at all. I fear that Cairn Wanderer may be a little pointless in your deck, because you only have 1 card with an ablitty it can use. Maybe try adding in an Intuition. It can help put a witch into your graveyard for Cairn, and you can also use Soul Manipulation to put those cards back into your hand.
Its not a perfect combo as you have to pay 2 mana each time you use the scepter. Not bad though.
Uh, not to ruin your thunder, but your combo doesn't exactly work quite right. Or... maybe I'm wrong >.> Say you have a Frydhorn Elder and a Orochi Leafcaller in play. You then enchant Freed from Real on an opponent's creature. The basic play is to tap Frydhorn Elder, convert the two G mana into B using Orochi, then use that mana to tap and untap the creature enchanted by Freed from Real, then repeat. Only, theres nothing in your deck that can untap Frydhorn Elder, so the chain isn't exactly endless. I suppose you could enchant Frydhorn Elder with an escape from real as well, but then you could only get a maximum of 3 taps per turn. Maybe I'm just stupid, and I probally am, but I just don't see how this combo is supposed to work...
Very good deck, I only have one suggestion. Say you play Enduring Renewal and you have one Phyrexian Walker in your hand, and a blasting station on the field. Suddenly you opponent plays an instant and you have to discard Phyrexian Walker, your only monster. You can no longer do anything, as you cannot get another monster card into your hand to use as fodder for blasting station. I would just suggest replacing some of the lands with a sorcery or instant spell that can get rid of Enduring Renewal if you get into this kind of situation.
I just thought of a perfect card to add to your deck. Djinn Illuminatus. He gives all sorcery and instant spells replicate, and their replicate cost is equal to their mana cost. Imagine combining this with Pact of the Titan. Theres no limit to how many 5/5 titan tokens you can create! You can make 10,000 5/5 tokens and then crush them next turn with an all-out attack. You would need to find a way to add in blue mana, though, unless you planned to use Quicksilver Amulet. I would suggest adding City of Brass for this. The 1 damage you take is nothing you need to worry about with Platinum Angel. And if you were looking for something to protect Platinum Angel with, I can't think of anything better then Neurok Stealthsuit.
Very interesting idea. Platinum Angel + Final Fortune is definitly a combo made in heaven. That being said, I would have to agree with themattiaz. How can you win? You can add in 8 more cards (in fact you have to for certain tournaments), so I would invest it in buying some powerful artifact creatures that you can bring into play with quicksilver amulet, then play defensively until you have a platinum angel in play and then activate final fortune for double rounds of attacking.
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